Saturday, January 23, 2016


Is NASA taking the public for a ride but not to the Moon. Can you see what is wrong with the image of John Young on the Moon with the Lunar Module and Lunar Rover in the background?

Spot the discrepancy. Something is missing. If this photo were taken in a studio, understandably there would be no stars. Whereas if this photo were to have been taken on some sand dunes in the desert, we would expect to see stars if this was in the night. Seriously, there should be stars.

But this is not the discrepancy that conspicuously is not there on the ground. Something is missing. Where is the shadow of the astronaut? John Young has lost his shadow. How could this be? (Did he report that his shadow had gone missing to the authorities?)

Notice how dark John Young's space suit is when it is not in the direct beam of the light. This is consistent with high beam lights at night, but this is not what happens in the day. Test it out yourself with lights in at night and note the difference in the daytime.

There is a shadow of the landing module, but does it look like you would expect on a moon. The moon does not spin.

Surely moon has the sun hitting it full on as if at noon day on Earth?  In which case the shadows would be short, very short, as when the sun is overhead.

Notice how narrow the shadow is of the landing module. Then there is what appears to be the shadow of the flag. There is also a narrow shadow in the foreground going in the wrong directions as well. And what about the rocks. There shadows appear to be going the wrong way too.The sand hill has a shadow on its side but there are darker shadows that seem to belong to the module that are on the sand hill. There should be no shadow on that side of the sand hill.There should not be areas that are lit up at the expense of other areas. The overall reflection of light from the surface should be consistent and not erratic, as there are no trees or vegetation. You will notice evidence of camera lights highlighting some areas more than others in the same photo of John Young at the bottom.

Other problems of course have to do with the temperature.  Does that look like 180 degrees to you. John Young must be roasting. But for some reason that looks very cool.

John Young with Lunar Rover Apollo 16

Here is Apollo 17. This is clearly done by lights in a studio. If you have ever been to a racetrack of a night, you see that there a dullness on the ground that is not there in the day. The same dullness you see on a sports ground lit up with cameras. If that was on the moon with the full glare of the sun, the shadows would not look so long. Supposing it was at dusk. Moon does not rotate on an axis like Earth so there is no dusk. Has to be coming from a light source at a low angle. Notice the delta shape in the front of the vehicle. That indicates two different light sources.

Either NASA have been to the Moon and have created photos in the studio or everyone is being duped and there have been no Moon landings. Whistle-blowers? Unscrupulous and gutless people whose jobs depend of keeping their mouth shut do not blow whistles.

Gene Cernan aboard the Lunar Rover 
during the first EVA of Apollo 17
NASA Apollo 17 Lunar Roving Vehicle.jpg

Sometimes we cannot be sure whether the photos have been touched up or photoshopped in some way. The following is from The red highlights indicate questionable statements or statements that bring a question to mind.

Driving on the moon
John Young came back to the moon again in 1972, during Apollo 16. He commanded a scientifically ambitious journey to the Descartes highlands, searching for volcanic rock and some possible clues to the moon's history. He and his crewmates, Charles Duke and Ken Mattingly, brought back 200 pounds of rock during more than 20 hours on the surface.
Young and his lunar-roving companion, Charles Duke, only found sedimentary rocks along the way, which surprised scientists back home. Despite the challenges, however, the men kept their sense of humor. They did a controlled but wild-looking test with the lunar rover, for example, skidding it across the surface in front of a video camera. Must have been very difficult setting up everything with those thick gloves and temperatures near boiling point. Actually, the amount of water they would have needed would have required a water tanker. Look at the size of the lunar module compared to the astronaut.How did they fit the lunar rover (above picture) in that as well? Space fiction, you reckon, not sci-fi.

[Photo credit: NASA, Charles M. Duke Jr.Lunar Module Pilot--Pity about the missing John Young's shadow and spotlight spots ]
John Young, astronaut and Navy veteran, salutes the U.S. flag at the Descartes landing site during the first Apollo 16 extravehicular activity (EVA-1). Young, commander of the Apollo 16 lunar landing mission, jumps up from the lunar surface as astronaut a

"One-sixth gravity on the surface of the moon is just delightful," Young said in a 2006 interview with NASA. "It's not like being in zero gravity, you know. You can drop a pencil in zero gravity and look for it for three days. In one-sixth gravity, you just look down and there it is. [Just as if there was six times the gravity as on Earth. And you decided to pick up a pencil that someone had dropped]

"Engines were blowing up'

From Apollo, Young moved to a very different kind of vehicle: the shuttle, which acted and performed more like a plane than a spacecraft. Development on the ambitious vehicle was not without its challenges, as Young and his crewmate Robert Crippen discovered.

"I remember [senior NASA official Bob] Gilruth telling me it's going to be as reliable as a DC-8 and right after he said that, Crip and I, every time we went out to Rocketdyne or somewhere to see what was happening, engines were blowing up. So I wasn't sure it was going to be as reliable as a DC-8. It was a lot of fun," Young quipped.

Young and Crippen lifted off in the space shuttle Columbia in April 1981, on a test flight of a vehicle that had never before been used in space. There were questions about how its systems would perform, and whether the new tile heat-shield system for re-entry would hold up. The flight was a success.

Still with a taste for spaceflight, Young returned to space once more at the helm of STS-9. This flight, like his last Apollo mission, was scientifically heavy. The crew flew the experimental Spacelab module for the first time, performing hours of experiments during 10 days. "The mission returned more scientific and technical data than all the previous Apollo and Skylab missions put together," NASA stated.

Young then retired from spaceflights, but stuck around with NASA to hold several management positions within the agency. He retired from NASA altogether in 2004.
Reflecting on his time as a veteran of three programs, Young said the role of an astronaut has not changed, although the technology certainly did.

"I don't think it changed it any," he told the Houston Chronicle in 2004. "You just had to learn a lot of systems and learn how to operate them and be a systems person. That's what we were. We were systems operators." 

— Elizabeth Howell, Contributor

Evidently, Young did not see himself as an adventurer, a ground breaker, part of a spearhead into space. Which is what we would have expected for someone leaving for the moon.

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