Saturday, August 1, 2020

ARE THE PEOPLE NEWLY POSITIVE WITH COVID-19, LESS LIKELY TO DIE FROM THE VIRUS? The Scaremongering Continues Because The Pharmaceutical Companies Are Looking For Ways To Bring In Vaccinations. Your body is more powerful than you think.

Individuals who are extremely healthy, having exhausted their energy from strenuous activity, are susceptible to sudden death from a variety of pathogenic substances and organisms. One of the most notable is meningoccocal meningitis, caused by the bacteria meningoccocus. It attacks the brain very quickly if a person’s immune system is weakened.

Meningoccocus took hold of 16-year-old Sarah Beltz from Tasmania Australia and she was dead within hours.[1] West Australian 19-year-old Lloyd Dunham, died from meningoccocus at the airport, just as he was heading back home, after helping his sister move to her new job in Tasmania. [2] Meningoccocus took hold of 18-year-old Sara Stelzer from San Diego, California, and she was dead within 36 hours. Her parents thought she had the flu.[3]

People who have tested positive for COVID-19 have no symptoms at all. A significant number of people who have tested positive for COVID-19 show signs of mild influenza or cold-like symptoms. Those with chronic illnesses and poor immune systems are affected by different degrees of severity. Depending upon the severity of their condition, patients prescribed a low dose of plaquenil have recovered. Others have recovered when combined with zinc, and others still, when combined with both zinc and azithromycin. Thousands of doctors have found that plaquenil has been extremely effective as a prophylaxis and therapeutic—only its patent ran out decades ago, which means it is cheap.[4]

In many places what is known as herd immunity is being achieved. For example, in India, the Dharavi slum in Mumbai, which has around 1 million residents in an area of around 2 square kilometres, herd immunity is thought to have been achieved. Hydroxychloroquine is very cheap in India and the residents have been given access where needed. Moreover, living in a slum, only those with strong immune systems survive.[5]

Viruses are believed to lose their potency as they pass from individual to individual. In Milan, Italy, the head of the research center has reported that the current virus causing the heralded pandemic is on the way out, and he does not believe it will be around by the time a new vaccine is introduced.[6] Evidently, Trump and others have stated that after the US Presidential election they expect the virus to disappear.[7] Fauci (soon to be disgraced), who wants to introduce a patented vaccine, disagrees and says that the virus will be around forever.[8] Influenza rears its head every year, and frequently throughout the year on cruise ships. People merely accept that the flu can be deadly if not managed by taking the appropriate immune boosters at its onset. Raw garlic being one of the most powerful boosters for the immune system when it comes to destroying viruses—especially for those who have optimum nutritional levels of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids.

Most people consume an abundance of carbohydrates, except those consumed by westerners are often empty of the required macronutrients. Phytonutrients are also critical for optimal health. Many are valuable eliminating toxins from the body. These detoxifying agents are found in organically grown herbs. Besides phytonutrients clean water is necessary and ample oxygen.

Unless a person has a respirator then they are not going to successfully prevent viruses from being inhaled. Masks are detrimental because they trap exhaled carbon dioxide and inhibit oxygen intake. Moreover masks psychologically detrimental because they send a signal to people that something is wrong and create an atmosphere of fear. On the other hand, masks can lead to a false sense of security. In there is really a pandemic, respirators are the only means of ensuring that viruses or toxins are not inhaled.

All the evidence suggests that deaths from COVID-19 (if not falsely attributed to the virus as per the CDC guidelines) [9] are becoming less, even though the number of people testing positive is increasing. This suggests that either the disease is not as deadly as promulgated by the press or the virus is losing its potency.
