Jamie Andrews writes:
If I had a pound for every time someone has read the irrefutable and unanimous evidence of the failed contagion studies I put together and said “Yeah… but what about my kid who got chicken pox at school and they all had it” I would be a very rich man. The fragrant disregard for the attempt at controlling all variables in a scientific manner is replaced by vague and misremembered anecdotes. Of course not ALL the kids got sick, it NEVER works like that, the ones that got sick were spread out over a longer time period than remembered.
This is now the type of (lack of) thinking that I get presented with when discussing genetics: “DNA doesn’t exist!? But then how do you explain they spliced the genetics of a frog into a rabbit so it can jump higher, how did they do that if it doesn’t exist hey?!” Herein we are presented with the same mountain of assumptions and logical inconsistencies that come with blind belief in a subject.
If you really want to believe that any of these downstream practices of anything to do with genetics from Forensics to CRISPR to Ancestry, that they work in the way that they claim, to the ridiculous levels of accuracy, FIRST you are going to have to show me the thing they claim they are measuring.
A nucleotide is 100x smaller than a virus, it has never been photographed EVER because it is so small, it is not a physical thing, it is a chemical that is claimed to be held together by hypothetical electromagnetic forces. The person who claimed to discover them Albert Kossel, supposedly found them in all sort of weird animal offal, like the thymus of calf. This paper is not published ANYWHERE online, has anyone seen it? AI didn’t even know where it is, oh and when you do find it, it will be in German.
So if you are going to claim these downstream methods work, then there is a lot of digging you gotta do before we even have a rational debate on our hands. Nevertheless, I am going to write this article to thoroughly debunk all of these things. Hopefully after the first few you will see that they are all just a cheap magic trick, a sleight of hand, that when you see that the card was tucked up the magicians sleeve the whole time, should leave you feeling cheated… but hopefully wiser.
The real world implications of this one are massive. Crime scene genetics has incarcerated hundreds of thousands of people. So surely the science behind it has been RIGOROUSLY tested right? You know, where they give forensic testing labs samples that they know the outcome of so as to test the real world accuracy. Well if I said ‘NO!” you might be as surprised as Barry Scheck the lawyer on OJ Simpson’s Dream Team in charge of forensics that there had never been (before his intervention) ANY internal verification of accuracy done on forensic genetics.
Yes… Shock horror… a man swears… in front of a whole room, in a professional setting. Maybe this is just what people do who are passionate about the truth rather than new age woo woo grifters whose sole interest is to concentrate on their public image ; ).
So watch these two presentations on the frailties of Forensic analysis, the first from Greg Hampkian who is co-owner of the Innocence Project (with Barry Scheck) exonerating people they believe were imprisoned based on incorrect Forensic analysis.In this second presentation by Geneticist and Microbiologist Dane Krane, pay close attention to the last 5 minutes. He makes the clear statement that Genetics labs REFUSE to do testing blinded. They demand to know all of the information about a sample BEFORE it is tested. He describes this like a Kid wanting to see the Answers to a test before sitting it! That is exactly what this is. They want to be able to MOLD the inputs of the Sequencers so that the outputs give the answer they have PRESUMED.
I stumbled across this article, linked in the picture, a couple of years ago and it rocked my world. Up until then, I (stupidly) had thought that whilst viruses and everything about their “scientific”verification was akin to witchcraft, I still believed in the genetics part. This single article rubbished the entire thing before my eyes. Literally Jaw hits floor stuff.
It documents Barry Scheck and Greg Hampkian’s efforts to bring some kind of accuracy testing by the government agencies such as NIST. They, after some cajoling FORCED them into doing a blinded accuracy study. They took a sample of 3 different suspects, they knew which was the perpetrator and asked 108 different labs to find it.
The results were SHOCKING….. the claim that DNA genetics analysis is 99.8% accurate was SLASHED to just 6% getting the correct answer!!!!! The worst thing about it… if they had just taken a wild guess, they would have been right 33% of the time… so the genetics test was WORSE than just randomly guessing.
Below is a link to the 60 page NIST report where this occurs.
Inspired by this cacophony, Greg and Barry started to represent people on behalf of The Innocence Project, taking on cases of what they felt was wrongful conviction based on forensic evidence. What they started to uncover was just as shocking. Such as this “partisan” analyst that skewed his data so much that only 1 other lab out of 17 agreed with his findings… Again a LESS than 10% return on accuracy!!!!
Chimeric Rescue Devices
So it is no wonder that they never conduct accuracy tests with known outcomes in Genetics testing.. because they fail…badly. So what happens then when they start to do things like Maternity and Paternity tests.. but when they know who they are.
Well… a case like Karen Keegan’s occurred that apparently genetics testing revealed that two of the three children she gave birth to… weren’t hers…. LOLOL.
In steps the wonderful rescue device of “Genetic Chimerism” to make up for the abject failure, once again, of genetics testing.
Or this one where a suspect that exactly matched the DNA database was in jail at the time of the crime…. in steps our rescue device once again “CHiMerA”
OK OK so humans all have very similar “genetic codes” (supposedly), it might be difficult to tell them apart (its not like it is important in a criminal case or anything). But surely you can do the bare minimum and be able to tell completely different animals apart from each other? Well……what were you expecting?
Here this news channel sent in multiple human samples to test them as if they were Dogs. Not a single lab came back and said that the sample was human and more than half of the labs claimed they were different breeds of dog!!
Or try this HILARIOUS video of a guy sending in a sample from his pet lizard which came back that they thought it was an Ashkenazi Jewish male.
In fact it was getting so common that these genetics companies were getting fooled that they now want as much proof as they can get before doing the test. They want a picture of the dog, they want to know what breed you think it is, they also want a video of you taking the dogs saliva. Why go to such extreme lengths if your tools are so accurate?
I used to play this game on Twitter where a nameless/faceless troll would sway forward holding some science paper claiming proved the existence of a virus. I would read it, immediately jumping of course to the methods section, find the part that was the trickery, usually running a Mock control rather than a real one or some such other nonsense, underline it, screenshot it and send it back. I got so proficient at this, I was managing to do this whole process in sub 3 mins with a record time of 2 mins 15 seconds.
After a while you have read all the papers and don’t even need to bother looking and if you haven’t, you can just tell where the trick is before, knowing their methods. Once you see it, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Think of it a bit like Penn & Teller sitting on a stage watching a Magic Trick… they just know the card was up the blokes sleeve all the time, because there are only really a few different methods of carrying off what is essentially the fraud of magic.
So I am Penn Jillete and we are going to walk through all of the Gene Editing Magic Tricks and show you where the fraud is. Once you see it… it is very obvious:
Here are the 4 main methods of Magic Trick they are going to pull:
Viral Resistance (Fucking Lol)… I mean start with a dumb one right! Do I need to explain how this trick works? They take something that doesn’t exist with a group of observable effects that are caused by the chemicals they are adding and claim all sorts of fanciful stuff… Of course your “genetically altered” wheat is resistant to your dangerous wheat virus just as much as it is resistant to Leprechaun attack.
Fluorescent Light Display… Just like our PCR fraud, why does a biochemical reaction that lights up mean that you can ascribe anything to the said light? A: Of what use is making a rats knackers glow in the dark? B: When you even take a fleeting glance at the methods, they are PUTTING in all of the synthetically made Glowing chemicals at some point in time…. why would you think that putting a fluorescent dye into a rat would make it NOT glow, is the question?
Breeding Program…At the heart of nearly all of these commercial agricultural uses of genetech is a selective breeding program. They never gene edit say a pig with cow genetics so that the pig is twice the size and makes cow milk right? What they do is take NATURALLY occurring attributes to a breed that are considered RARE or Profitable. They do a whole bunch of smoke and mirrors diversion in a petri dish THEN just selectively breed the desired attributes.. This has sod all to do with gene editing.. it is just hereditary traits (which obviously exist and will be covered a bit later)
Stats Padding… This is kind of a combination of the essence of the 3 above. They take a variety of lets say a crop like wheat and they claim to gene edit it to make it more resistant to some pest. They obviously selectively breed it to find the more hardy species. But this one is just the ASSUMPTION that this plant has actually become resistant to this pest or is a confirmation that it is by using pseudoscientific instruments such as Gel Electrophoresis. They still water and fertilize and spray pesticide on the crops… It is not as if they can make a plant that just grows without touching it. They continue to create this artificial environment with all of the Agro-chemicals that go into it… Maybe in the case of fruit, in a poly tunnel for increased growing season. As you will see they can’t even make a frost resistant species of Orange to grow a couple of degrees out of latitude… They have taken just “naturally” occurring things and make stat padding claims that in reality is just statistics fraud.
Glowing Rat’s Knackers
This is the one I get asked the most about. “But they can make a Mouse glow!!!”, I mean wow! They claimed in the 50s we’d all be in flying cars by now but instead modern tech has made a rat glow if it chews on a glow stick.. guess that will have to suffice.
This one is so dim it hurts.. Linked into the pictures is the paper where they gene edit a mouse supposedly to express some sort of fluorescence.
The problem is… this doesn’t fluoresce on its own… no of course not…they have have to inject Luciferin into the mouse before it’ll glow..
I mean really…. this magic trick is like pulling the coin from behind a child’s ear…. it should be insulting to your intelligence.
So I asked AI for all of the supposedly real world and tangible gene edits that occur in Animals.. So let’s go through them and hunt for the magic trick.
Hornless Cattle: Well this is most certainly a number 3, breeding program, they take Holstein Cattle which have claimed “rare” polled (hornless) varieties and when the offspring are polled after they do some smoke and mirrors in a test tube… Hey presto! hornless. It seems to me there may be an added part to this that how do they know that the hornless variety is not just a case of being diseased/injured/poisoned during gestation like a deformity?
Virus Resistance…. lol
Sex determination… Ok maybe I should have added another “magic trick” to the roster… they don’t actually do it…lol. They admit everywhere you look that they don’t use this commercially as the practice of sexing semen has a 90%+ return rate already…
The way that it works… is quite simple that the Female sperm are just slightly bigger…
4.Viruses again….
Muscle Meat. Well it even says that this is not used commercially. It involves a breeding program,they are stat padded results given that “more Meat” could be just generated fro pumping them full of steroids in the feed.
AquaAdvatage Salmon. This is a Breeding Program with Stat Padding. They selectively breed for varieties which grow all year… and then keep them in tanks where they control the temperature to simulate it being summer all year… This one is VERY dumb.
Virus resistance…
Goat Spider Milk… Ok this one is very strange…apart from sounding like an Amateur Psychedelic Rock Band… why? ….ok I don’t care whatever..
Yes this is Stat Padding… They confirm this supposedly very specific protein by using Gel Electrophoresis (Covered in Part 2 just how janky it is)…. I can guarantee they haven’t done a control to show that these bands aren’t present in normal goat milk…not that the proteins are something or… whatever this is just weird…
Oelic Acid is a pretty arbitrary chemical verified in the typically loose manner. It is part of a breeding program and Stat Padded.
Herbicide Resistant Soybeans… where they just reduce the amount of herbicide they spray on them… lol… yes plants will be better if you spray them with less poison.
Fragrant Rice… OK they do a whole load of funky stuff to make Basmati or Jasmin Rice… which already exists…they do this… surprisingly with a Breeding program… shock horror.
4.Increased Yield and Nitrogen use are Stat Padding and a breed
Tomato flavor and virus resistance should be self explanatory.. flavor is subjective.
Potato Cold Storage and Blight . Cold Storage sugar accumulation is it even good to do this? Like chemical preservatives.Resisting Blight isn’t used commercially which you would have thought it would if it worked.
Wheat reduced Allergenicity and Improved Grain Quality.. Grain Quality is a breeding program. Allergenic is pretty subjective I highly doubt they are making people eat it in controlled studies with non GMO wheat? lol
Mushrooms with preservatives….
Sweet Potato starch quality is subjective
Cucumber Virus resistance.
So I got asked by a subscriber on Substack to address his work that he did with X-gal which turns blue supposedly only in the presence of a specific enzyme.
So firstly we have a completely synthetic chemical not found in nature. It turning Blue could be ascribed to ANY invented reason for why it applies to the mechanism for it doing as such. There isn’t much really further to be said other than that. However looking into the plasmid insertion opened up a huge rabbit hole for me… so thank you ( I think lol)
When they insert a plasmid they use numerous methods but they all revolve around essentially the same thing which is using a charge either electrical or chemical (Calcium Ion) to open up pores in a cell to let the plasmid in. As you will see this has a MASSIVE effect on a cell and will be my reason to why the X-gal turns blue in the “Gene altered” dish, nothing to do with the stuff that is meant to go in it.
I want to focus on Electroporation. Literally using an electrical charge of high voltage (1000+ V) to supposedly open up pores in a cell… This coincidentally is ALSO used in “cloning” where they take an egg and insert some piece, usually skin cell and ACTIVATE the egg into growing by giving it an electrical shock to mimic the chemical charged Calcium Ion “shock” that the sperm induces.
Now this area intrigued me… An egg WILL NOT GROW if it is not electrically activated to do as such… nothing to do with the supposed DNA inside the cells this must be CHARGED.
As you will come to see in this channel and in my work alot of the pathways that I am heading down ALL end up in what is essentially CHARGE based formation whether that be in how Nucleotides supposedly binds.. how the enzymes facilitate reactions in PCR, how they measure literally anything ( All proteins, enzymes, amino acids etc etc) in things like Gel Electrophoresis, it all leads back to the same place. So when I heard that is literally how life starts it was well… a bit shocking… (oh fuck off I am allowed to do a cheesy pun every now and again).
So I did some digging to see if you could just shock an egg into growing without anything added it to it and lo and behold you CAN… it even has a name which is Parthogenesis.
So eggs will grow and develop supposedly without a full set of “DNA”… They have even managed to get FEMALE only cells to grow into a full term mouse… *This doesn’t bode well for us lads in the age of the independent modern woman*
Now they CLAIM that in humans, Parthogentically activated eggs will theoretically not go to term.. However they admit that they haven’t really tried. The sheer fact that it can even grow into embryonic stages to me completely shoots down the genomic/chromosome theory of Genetics.
Now I don’t expect you to watch all of this because it is mainly just here for the laughs… but there are some serious peer reviewed papers out there and companies showing you how to make electroporation devices to either transfer plasmids or Activate cloned Eggs…… out of Barbecue Lighters …….LOLOLOL
As with the start of this article…the number of times I get told that patterns of disease equates to showing evidence of transmission or even existence of viruses I’d be on a yacht by now…With hereditary traits it is exactly the same thing. Of course it is apparent that children look like their parents to a greater or lesser degree. This does not however mean that this was definitely determined by the stringy jizz you can get from a strawberry with dish soap and salt.
It is not incumbent to provide an explanation when falsifying claims so I have no need to theorize how hereditary traits occur. I think it is a fascinating subject though and if and when I have the time it would be cool to explore some theories.However again the fact that eggs can be started without fertilization and animals can be born that have NO paternal “genetics” this is kind of a massive problem.
Epigentics is the new massive rescue device that has been systematically rolled out. It is the “Immune System” to genetics. It operates as an allegory for the influence of your terrain on your “inherited traits”. They claim that your genetics are in a constant state of flux according to outside influence. Even admitting that increased sun exposure over long periods of time will literally change your genetics to have darker skin over generations.
So this to me is a clear indication that this is a large determining factor in why you have the appearance of your parents… the literal terrain of your mother is yours for at least the first 9 months of development. The paternal side is a little harder to see, but again when an egg can be grown without paternal “genetics” where really do we stand? Also it doesn’t mean if it is anything “inside” the sperm affecting appearance that it is the stringy jizz inside a strawberry that is the cause.
We have seen above just how ropey these companies like 23 & ME are that when people said in hooky samples they have an immense amount of trouble telling… so how do these companies get a semblance of being correct?
All of these genetics companies are either directly owned or have umbrella companies that are huge bioinformatics companies like Google or YouTube etc. They have ALL your information already… when they purchase genetics mapping companies they then get access to records, they have to “for legal reasons” right. So basically if you pay tax, vote, have a passport, basically do ANYTHING to do with the government, they know who you are. This goes for ALL adopted children and foster parents etc…
It is one large data scam, they already know… but I do get again the same thing “oh I found my long lost cousin through ancestry.com it MUST have been from the genetics”. Well.. as above with the gene editing scam there are EXACTLY the same types of silly magic tricks employed in Ancestry.. I will list a few below to get you started and then use this video of “10 Bizarre Genetics stories" and see if you can figure some of them out.
They Completely make it up… Oh did you know that this black man living in deepest darkest Congo is actually 5 % Irish? Cue some completely irrational made up story.
Both signed up to the database suddenly “find each other”… this is a classic… they both have all of their details that match to a tee(Place of birth, relative ages, shared family member etc etc)… they just need to update the database to show that they are indeed related….
Reverse Confirmation. This is a little how Forensic Testing works.. If you believe in it 100%, the interrogation comes round and they say “We have a 100% match putting you at the crime scene”. The man thinks that he has been caught and fesses up. The “DNA” evidence was only verified by the confession, this can happen with Ancestry “oh you have dissimilar genes when we tested”… then all of a sudden Betty points at the Postman….
Confirmation Belief. Slightly different in that maybe you take two people that have NO relatives left to confirm whether something is true or not… The Genetics of two people “Match” and they just ASSUME that they are related.
We have seen how when actually rigorously tested the supposedly 99% accuracy of Genetic Forensic analysis is actually closer to 10% accurate. In fact so inaccurate that it is WORSE than a guess and therefore may ONLY be used in a fraudulent manner to convict.
Clearly I wouldn’t be recommending getting your dog’s pedigree checked using this stuff unless for comedy purpose alone, closer to that of the game Guess Who: “Does your dog wear glasses and have a mustache?”
Hopefully I have explained adequetly how the cheap magic tricks of Gene Editing/GMO work. Once you see it, it becomes very apparent. They never pick anything useful that would clearly be demonstrably favourable and clearly be a result of actually changing its genetics. I live in the South of France, it is just a few degrees off of frost latitude hence you cannot grow Citrus fruits outside here. Just a few degrees of Latitude South in Valencia Spain and the crop is bountiful. Yet Genetic Editing CANNOT possibly do this at the moment. It can make a synthetic chemical turn blue in a petri dish or light a rat’s knackers up (after injecting it with fluroscent dye )though.
So show me a genuinely useful adaptation to a plant or animal that is not carried out by selective breeding and we can have a conversation. The rescue device of “ethics” is always rolled out as if they *could* but deem it ethically irresponsible… So just give me them Frost Resistant GMO oranges that I can grow here in S.France and I’ll be happy. OR just do as the Romans did and use underfloor heating.
Finally, is your long lost cousin actually your long lost cousin or just a dupe that didn’t want to feel like he was scammed $100 by ancestry.com… or maybe that 10% Chinese genome when all of your relatives have never left Bracknell is a bit of a far fetched story.
Ultimately I believe they are measuring something. The results of the PCR and genome sequencing are CLEARLY not RANDOM. You would have to be an UTTER UTTER Nutjob to believe that…. In fact that is so easily disproved by focused testing that you REALLY have to question the motives of any CRETIN who would suggest that… (Cheers Mike). I think that if you had two samples side by side you could differentiate between the two… but then even if you chose a simple metric of pH you could do this at a point in time.
Hence you could easily make a test at home that gave the semblance of showing diseased symptoms…well they already have in the form of the Rapid Antigen Tests which I showed in my Control studies to be basic viscosity and polarity of the liquid that it was testing for.
As for now though.. I am VERY comfortable in saying that the whole of genetics is a scam just the same as virology, filled with statistics manipulation and slight of hand magic tricks… You have been rumbled by Penn Jillete.
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