The Fake Claim: more than 50 million died by Hannah Hagemann
The analysis; 5000 deaths reported in America's most populated city, Boston, during 1918 with 100,000 deaths reported in USA. Then the number began to grow.
EThere are multiple lines of evidence that challenge the classic paradigm of viral viral disease, including historical accounts, biological evidence (or lack thereof), and clinical “experiments” according to Dr. Lee Merritt. But while this is true, there are many so-called “woke” individuals who are willing to accept that we have been continuously lied to on a massive scale to enable our enslavement, but who will not even consider the possibility that one of those lies could be the cause of our enslavement. unproven viral virus disease paradigm, writes Patricia Harrity .
Dr. Merritt, an orthopedic surgeon and former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, writes: “I hear it all the time. From doctors: “How can you say that viruses do not exist? I constantly treat people with viral diseases.” Or from patients: “My whole family got really sick, so there must be viruses!”. Dr. Merritt adds : “Let's be clear. There is illness, as in “Dis-Ease”. People get sick and some die from the disease. And I can admit that it is possible to harvest tissue from one animal and inject it into another species, causing disease – as Judy Mikovits describes it – “infection by injection.” But that doesn't prove the existence of invisible, submicroscopic unicorns flying from one person's nose to another as the CAUSE of that disease.
“It is the unproven idea of airborne viral diseases that has enslaved humanity to the corrupt medical cartel.”
“What better psychological wedge to use against humanity than to make people afraid of invisible radiation from other people?” she asks.
In this article, Dr. discusses Merritt's largest clinical study of all time – the 1918 global flu outbreak.
The “Pandemic” of 1918 – and the Viral Theory.
By Dr. Lee Merritt – The Medical Rebel
It may come as a surprise to most people – even doctors – that human-to-human transmission of influenza has not been proven. During the COVID scare in the summer of 2020, the CDC itself published research in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases showing that neither wearing gloves, nor wearing a mask, nor disinfecting the surfaces you touch will prevent the spread of influenza in the community stops. “Influenza” is Italian for “influence” and does not imply organism or spread between people. In the current professional literature after 2005, grandiose claims are made. But statements are not proof, even if you say it over and over again like in this case. A 2021 Science review article states: “However, there is robust evidence supporting airborne transmission of many respiratory viruses, including severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV),…” [1] And just in case you were the first times, they repeat later in the article: “Despite the presumed dominance of droplet transmission, there is robust evidence supporting airborne transmission of many respiratory viruses, including measles virus…”. The problem is that the evidence is not that “robust.” Bioinformatics and genetic fragments do not prove a cause of disease. The question of causation was seriously studied during the disease outbreak of WWI.
Today, in the age of COVID, we have learned to question the official death figures because they simply do not match our observations. And we have seen how easily the “cause of death” can be distorted by hospitals coding for profit and propaganda (remember the motorcyclist who crashed and died of COVID?) Likewise, the story of the great and horrible pandemic of 1918 in changed over time and you should not accept modern “retellings” at face value.
Kate Daly, a former Fox news anchor and radio show host, examined news archives on the 1918 pandemic and found that the number of deaths reported in newspapers has risen consistently over the past century, like a great whispering game. The original reports of deaths in the US were very small by county, adding up to about 100,000 deaths. But by 1920 they reported 500,000 deaths in the US. In 1941, two decades after the event, the number of deaths worldwide was estimated at 10 million. By 1975, newspaper reports doubled the count to 20 million deaths. Mike Leavitt DHS reported in 2005 that the number was 38 million, and now the CDC tells us there were 50 million deaths worldwide. [2]
When I started searching through news archives, I quickly recognized that the newspapers of the early 20th century were being used for the same propaganda that we suffer from today. We may think that only the news in the digital age is controlled by a few major corporations, but I discovered that newspapers from all over America from 1917-1922 had identical articles under different banners. It is somewhat humorous, but also testament to the controlled nature of the press, that, in the days of linotype, when each story was made by hand using lead type, spelling errors varied, but the exact wording was used in “ small town newspapers” across the country.
Another telling fact: These “pandemic” articles were never big headlines – they were buried next to church news and the latest eyewear sales.
According to a 1920 Harvard historical paper, 5,000 people in Boston died from the 1918 pandemic and the same article reported that Boston was the third largest city in America with the most deaths. [3] This fact also once again raises questions about the 500,000 death toll in the US. It also explains the strange fact that no one in my family talked about this supposedly horrible disease.
My grandparents and aunts and uncles, who lived and worked in 1918, never talked about a pandemic or even a major disease outbreak. My grandfather was a farm musician and a great storyteller who told me family stories about all kinds of things - about Great Aunt Delia falling into the rainwater well, the problems with using a clevis in 20-degree-below-zero weather to find the T- bar to the horse-drawn wagon – but not a word about the Great Pandemic of 1918. Although it would have occurred in the prime of his young adulthood, the “Great Pandemic” was apparently not a major event in his life. In his diary, which he faithfully kept daily from 1893 to 1963, there is one entry from 1918 that a family member “got the flu”. Furthermore, there is no mention of death or disability – and he has faithfully kept track of these events over the years.
My father was 13 years old at the time of the pandemic. He discussed with me that he had osteomyelitis – an infection in his shin bone that left him bedridden for months when he was about 10 years old. This should have focused his attention on illness and recovery. But he never mentioned “the pandemic.” As an adult, he earned his MD, DDS and a PhD in biochemistry, taught dentistry at Harvard, conducted research, practiced medicine and was generally a student of 20th century history – but a “pandemic” was not on his radar.
I recently spoke to a group of about 350 people and simply asked everyone to tell me afterward if they had ever heard family members talk about losing members during the 1918 “pandemic.” Only one person told me that her family had a story had passed on, but when she investigated, it turned out that the person had actually died years before the outbreak.
It is unclear why the pandemic was called the Spanish flu. The disease did not start in Spain, but around Fort Riley Kansas, a World War I training base. Army recruits at the base became ill and many died of a strange lung condition accompanied by fever, severe fatigue and bloody discharge.
We have numerous sources with a direct history of the event – remembrance books written by families, the diary and later books of Dr. Eleanora McBean who volunteered with her family to care for the recruits, the autopsy results of Colonel William Welch and pathologists from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, pharmaceutical history, the Kansas Historical Archives, the Nany and Public Health Service archives and countless others eyewitness accounts. Unlike today, the US Public Health Service made an honest effort to understand the transmission of the disease. They enlisted volunteers who bent over the dying without touching them, put their mouths close to the mouths of the sick and inhaled their exhalations.
The volunteers did not get sick. Then they made sick and dying people cough on the volunteers. They made a smear of mucus and nasal discharge from the sick people and put it in the nose and throat of the healthy volunteers. In the days before* antibiotics, they even turned the secretions of the dying and injected this solution into the healthy volunteers. But no matter what they did, they couldn't transmit this new disease to the healthy volunteers. In reality, zero of the 118 healthy volunteers became ill. From the Navy Archives: “The volunteers were repeatedly exposed to hospital patients with flu-like symptoms in an attempt to get them to contract the disease. Although the 118 men failed to develop the flu, they were all pardoned in recognition of their participation.” [4] (This tells you that the "volunteers" weren't actually that volunteer--they were probably in jail at the time).
Strangely enough, horses were also affected by this respiratory disease, so they tried to demonstrate its transmission in horses. They moved bags of feed from the snout of a sick horse to a healthy horse. Not a single healthy horse became ill. They tried to find a bacillus that caused the disease, but could not find any bacilli that were not also found in the well. Despite all this, they ultimately could not give up the idea of human-to-human transmission (or as now they were encouraged and/or coerced by the pharmaceutical companies). The reluctant conclusion of Public Health Service investigators at the time was this (shown with the original bold and capitalized emphasis):
“The results of these experiments indicate PRIMARILY that influenza can be transmitted through the upper respiratory tract secretions of patients in the early stages of this disease, probably within less than 12 hours of onset. VERY DEFINITE CONCLUSIONS CANNOT BE MADE… However, these conclusions contradict the specific results of each of the three series of experiments reported in the paper, where we find that NONE of the volunteer soldiers exposed to the fluids of patients with symptoms of the Spanish Flu, contracted the symptoms of the Spanish Flu.” [5]
Dr. William Welch and a team of AFIP pathologists bravely undertook an autopsy of the dead. (This should be the first line of inquiry for any new “disease”, but was in fact banned by medical authorities in the age of COVID). Caregivers of the dying had noticed in 1918 that young men would develop a fever and cough, then suddenly cough up blood and die.
The autopsies of the troops revealed that many of them had lungs filled with blood. Some were “consolidated” or edematous and bacteria were consistently found. But the pathologists could not understand how “bacterial pneumonia” could behave so differently in 1918 than on previous occasions. A revision was made 100 years later by researcher Zon-Mei Sheng et al., who assessed paraffin tissue blocks from army personnel who had died of the disease. “All 68 cases had histological evidence of bacterial pneumonia and 94% showed abundant bacteria on Gram stain.”
Then they used modern genetic analysis (feel free to skip to the punchline):
“Sequence analysis of the viral hemagglutinin receptor binding domain, performed on RNA from 13 cases, suggested a trend from a more 'bird-like' viral receptor specificity with G222 in pre-pandemic cases to a more 'human-like' specificity associated with D222 in pandemic peak cases. However, viral antigen distribution in the respiratory tree was not different between pre-pandemic and pandemic peak cases or between infections with viruses with different receptor-binding polymorphisms. The 1918 pandemic virus had been circulating in the United States for at least 4 months before it was epidemiologically recognized in September 1918. The causes of the unusually high mortality in the 1918 pandemic were not explained by the pathological and virological parameters examined.” [6]
Clearly they wanted to find a viral cause, but instead they found bacteria and no consistent viral pattern. So what was going on in 1918?
A bit of medical history not taught to modern medical students: influenza did not exist as an annual disease until around 1850, after the first telegraph lines were built. The diagnosis “neurasthenia” was coined in 1867 to describe a disease of nervousness, lethargy, palpitations, depression, and sometimes focal paralysis. Notably, the condition centered around telegraph line installers, switchboard operators and railway workers (telegram lines were strung along the railway lines) and so neurasthenia became known as Telegraphy's disease.
In 1907, Bell Telephone operators in Toronto went on strike for better working conditions. This was documented in a Royal Commission inquiry into Canada, headed by a former Prime Minister. And “Telegrapher's Paralysis” was reported by a doctor in France. [7] And the point? In October 1917, at the request of the US Army Signal Corps, KSAC instituted a wireless telegraphy course. [8] The army recruits at Ft. Riley, Kansas were trained as telegraph operators for WWI.
Before you think that electromagnetic exposure is too far-fetched an explanation, it was found that making a long twist in the copper wire for the telegram lines reduced symptoms of neurasthenia in people who worked under the lines. And the really compelling evidence came from the unexpected corner of astronomy. In the 1970s, an astronomer named RE Hope-Simpson and a mathematician from the University of Wales named F. Hoyle showed that outbreaks of influenza occurred almost simultaneously around the world in association with increased solar activity, sunspots, solar flares, etc. . [9] .
Ken Tapping, a Canadian astronomer, also made the observation in 2001 that from the 1700s to 1979, including 150 years before the age of telegraphy, influenza outbreaks occurred one to three decades apart and perfectly coincided with peaks of solar magnetic activity. As documented in Dr. Arthur Furstenberg's book The Invisible Rainbow, an infectious agent does not explain the almost simultaneous transmission of diseases around the world in an era before air transport [10] . Reports based on ship logs reveal that in the era of “wooden ships and iron men,” the disease spread simultaneously across multiple ships spread across the sea—ships that had had no contact with land or other ships for extended periods. And as a 2016 article by Qu and Gao et al. “Sunspot Activity, Influenza and Ebola Outbreak Connection” points out, influenza may not be the only disease where our ideas about transmission may be wrong. [11] (Remember this as the issue of 5G and Covid keeps coming up).

Interestingly, Madame Helena Blavatsky, the famous (or infamous as some would note) Theosophist, wrote: “Does it not seem, therefore, that the causes which produced influenza were cosmic rather than bacterial; and that they should rather be sought in those abnormal changes in our atmosphere.” And even more prescient, during an influenza outbreak in 1890: “You already have the flu in your pocket, because people see it squeak out.
We already have a premonition through news from America of people dying every day in the streets of London because they trip over the electrical wires of the new Lighting craze.”
The biology/physiology of this effect is at least partially understood. Metabolism relies on an electron transfer chain within mitochondria – intracellular organelles that take the results of metabolism and convert them into energy within every living cell. The electron flow can be changed by applying a sudden electromagnetic field. Moreover, the speed at which EMF is introduced is important. In medicine we once learned “Cannon's Law of the Body” that the body responds to the rate of change and not just to absolute values.
We are physiologically better able to adapt to a new environment if it is introduced slowly. So during the outbreak at Ft. Riley in 1918, some recruits, who had not previously been exposed to electricity, were suddenly surrounded by miles of copper wire emitting signals at a disharmonic frequency of 7.2 Hz, just below the natural Schumann Earth resonance of 7.83 Hz. Doctors stationed in the army camps during the flu wave in the fall of 1918 noticed that the young men who died were usually the tall, muscular country boys, not the pale, scrawny city boys. This makes sense when you consider that the city boys had already slowly adapted to the electrification of their cities. [12]
Before 1900, medical studies of Telegrapher's disease and Neurasthenia showed that people might have miserable, anxiety-ridden existences, but it did not shorten their lifespans – in fact, lifespans may even have been slightly increased. What then explained the sudden mass death in the camp? There were at least two other factors contributing to the pandemic deaths that are very reminiscent of today's COVID deaths.
In 1918, the Bayer Company, a subsidiary of IG Farben, had just lost the patent on Aspirin, a drug that German scientists had accidentally discovered to reduce fever. So the company conducted a PR campaign to convince doctors through the AMA and the newly organized medical education institution that lowering temperatures with Aspirin was a great idea for recovering from illness! Today we have considerable data from India on the treatment of tuberculosis and polio, showing that fever is beneficial in resolving disease. Lowering the temperature with chemical agents prolonged the active phase of the disease and resulted in more paralysis and a higher mortality rate. But that information was not available in 1918 (and is still ignored by most physicians today).
Nor did doctors in 1918 understand the risk of bleeding with higher doses of aspirin. Pandemic diarists report seeing doctors giving handfuls of aspirin to lower recruits' fevers. And, in confirmation, doctors in 1918 noted that as the disease progressed, victims began to bleed from the nose and mouth. Many deaths had hemorrhagic lungs – lungs filled with blood, not pus.
Finally, and probably the most damaging, but most discussed factor, was this: WWI was the first conflict in which our military received multiple (and experimental) vaccines.
Dr. Frederick L. Gates came from not one, but several Ivy League schools. He started at the University of Chicago and transferred to Yale, where he received the Andrew D. White award (White was a member of the Order of Skull and Bones).

Gates went on to graduate with honors from Johns Hopkins Medical School in 1913 and volunteered for the Army Medical Corps in 1917, when America entered the war. He was appointed first lieutenant. Surprisingly, for a rookie medical officer, Gates was assigned to the staff of the Rockefeller Institute, probably because his father Frederick Taylor Gates was a personal assistant to John D. Rockefeller.
Gates the elder is credited with Rockefeller's involvement in organized medicine. “Although Rockefeller himself believed in folk medicine, the billionaire listened to his experts and Gates convinced him that he could have the greatest impact by modernizing medicine, especially by reforming education, sponsoring research to find cures and systematically eradicate debilitating diseases that undermined national efficiency, such as hookworm… In 1901, Gates Senior designed the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (now Rockefeller University), of which he served as chairman. He then designed the Rockefeller Foundation, of which he became a trustee upon its founding in 1913.” [13]
According to his memorial biography, Dr. Frederick L. Gates “lectured to military groups (at the Rockefeller Institute)… was also assigned to visit training camps, in the interest of preventive medicine, and traveled extensively.” What they don't mention is his role as principal investigator of the vaccinations given at Ft. Riley, Kansas prior to the outbreak of the disease.
On May 25, 1917, an Army Medical School was established at Ft. Riley, Kansas. Shortly thereafter, in October 1917, 525 cases of typhoid fever occurred in Kansas and the State Board of Health gave 9,000 “free injections.” [14] Three months later, an outbreak of “meningitis” occurred.
The U.S. Navy and Army estimated that 40 and 36 percent of their service members, respectively, were affected. [15] (It is important to note that an “outbreak” of meningitis usually involves one or two people. The largest outbreaks in the last 50 years that I was able to identify were groups of gay men in San Francisco and LA with 20-30 cases (that more than 30% of staff are infected is completely unusual for reported meningitis outbreaks). The response was again to administer more crude homemade meningitis vaccines, beginning in January 1918 and continuing into February 1918.
From the records of the Kansas Historical Society:
“After an outbreak of epidemic meningitis at Camp Funston, Kansas, in October and November 1917, a series of vaccinations against meningitis was administered to volunteers from the camp. Major E. H. Schorer, head of the laboratory section of the adjacent base hospital at Fort Riley, provided every facility at his disposal and cooperated in the laboratory work associated with the vaccinations... At the camp, under the direction of the division surgeon, Lieutenant Colonel J. L. Shepard, administered a preliminary series of vaccinations to a relatively small number of volunteers to determine appropriate doses and resulting local and general responses. After this series, the vaccine was offered by the division surgeon to the entire camp and “given by the surgeons of the regiment to all who would take it.”
This excerpt from Dr. Gates' article about the research, submitted for publication in 1918, gives an impression of the state of the art of vaccination and his involvement at the time:
“The vaccine used was made in the laboratory of the Rockefeller Institute. Growths from 16 hours on 1% glucose agar in Blake flasks were washed with isotonic saline, similar strains were pooled, and the concentrated suspensions were immediately heated to 65°C for 30 minutes. to kill the cocci and inactivate the autolytic ferment… Accordingly, the vaccinations were started with the injection of 500 million cocci and this initial dose was increased in successive groups by 250 or 500 million until it reached 2,000 million. For the second and third doses in each group, the first dose was usually multiplied by two and by four... About half of the vaccinees whose third injection was to be given after February 4, 1918, received a final injection of 4,000 million due to the occurrence of several quite serious side effects from the larger dose in medical officers at Fort Riley. In some regiments, vaccinations were completed before February 5.” [16]
At the same time that Kansas military bases were getting vaccinated, Kansas schools were seriously requiring vaccines for the first time. From the Lawrence Daily Journal World, January 3, 1918: [17]
A summary of the time course of the 1918 pandemic
May 25, 1917 , an Army medical school was established at Ft. Riley, Kansas.
October 1917 , 525 cases of typhoid fever occurred in Kansas and the State Board of Health gives 9,000 “free injections” in response to 525 cases of typhoid fever in Kansas.
In October and November 1917 , meningitis broke out and a second round of vaccination against meningitis was given.
In January and February of 2018, military recruits and schoolchildren were required to receive a number of crude vaccines that were partially produced at the time of inoculation. While I can't prove this in the news, it is likely that – as is still the case today – the Indian Health Service forced Native Americans to be vaccinated.
A month later , in March 1918, epidemics of scarlet fever were reported in Cowley, Butler, Dickinson, and Leavenworth counties.
Also in March 1918 , five students at the Haskell Institute (Native American) 95 miles from Ft. Riley died and 457 were sick with a disease called “strep-grip.”
In September 1918 , the disease was still not front-page news. During this time there were increased concerns about grain shortages, anti-German discrimination, and conscientious objectors to the war. The Kansas City Star reported that Mrs. James Farrell of Effingham was the Atchison County knitting champion. She had knitted 100 pairs of socks for the Red Cross since August 1917.
In October 1918 , three hundred cases of what was now called “Influenza” were reported in the state. Hays was hardest hit with 200 cases, but still reported only a few deaths. In mid-October 1918, Governor Capper of Kansas issued a state-wide shutdown order, effective for one week, in an attempt to stem the influenza epidemic. More than 7,000 cases had been reported across the state. Even taking into account underreporting, this does not indicate a pandemic of epic proportions.
Also on October 25, 1918, my grandfather noted in his diary that relatives were arriving from Canada and a few days later the town of 1,200 people was quarantined.
On November 2, 1918 , the Kansas State Board of Health lifted the closure order due to influenza.
This graph shows the very acute time course of the 1918 flu deaths, which started about 6 months after the vaccinations and went away three months later – never to return.

Although we have a seasonal disease called Influenza, and Influenza occasionally breaks out worldwide, as it has for centuries, we have never seen this unusually deadly type of outbreak since 1918, until 2019 and the COVID “Pandemic”. What is glossed over, forgotten, or deliberately ignored are Dr. Eleanora McBean who initiated the outbreak in Ft. Riley, Kansas, and as a child helped her family care for sick soldiers and community members.
Later, as a doctor, she wrote that only vaccinated people died. Her family was exposed to sick people every day, along with others who volunteered to care for the sick. They were not vaccinated and while people around them were dying, according to Dr. McBean “not even a brat.”
Most of the historical search for this article focused on Kansas, as this area is generally cited as ground zero for the “Great Pandemic.” If we look at America, we see that the disease mainly affected cities and concentrations of soldiers or other people living together in dormitories or Indian reservations.
These people were required to be vaccinated or were probably told to do so by local authorities. Neither the numbers quoted by individual cities or towns nor those of the provinces seem to add up to the gross numbers we hear today. Clearly, in a few places, an unusual number of people became unusually ill. These places, such as Fort Riley and Boston, generated a myth that was remembered more by the medical community than by the general public.
People who developed neurasthenia without vaccination could become symptomatic, but did not develop the severe lung symptoms and were found to live longer than average in some studies. But there appears to have been conscious propaganda through the newspapers about the causes of the 1918 disease from 1920 to the present day.
Looking at the totality of the evidence, the 1918 pandemic was probably not a communicable disease, but a disease of communicable technologies. Americans went to Europe and we took our Telegram equipment and vaccines for sale in the European market. When the soldiers came home, aggressive marketing campaigns convinced the public to get vaccinated because the troops were returning from Europe with a “disease.” The timing of the vaccine explains the huge spike in illness and death in a small time frame after a rapid rollout of multiple vaccinations. The later prolonged, less dramatic deaths followed more slow civilian adoption of the vaccine program.
The 1918 pandemic as the prototype of contagious transmissible global disease is based on skewed history, propaganda and assumptions, not evidence. This underlines the need for truly systematic scientific research that examines the basis and basis of our beliefs about biology and disease – not just an “epidemiological” mapping of sick people linked to preconceived ideas.
In fact, it's hard not to wonder about the role of the Rockefeller Institute led by Gates Senior in orchestrating this entire show. Given the doctors and scientists who died unexpectedly in the 20th century, such as famed cancer researcher Dr. Mary Sherman of SV-40, it's worth mentioning that Dr. Frederick Gates moved to Harvard after the war, and after his father died, where he died young from a blow to the head. In less polite circles this could be suspected as “cutting off the trail”.
[1] CC Wang, Prather, KA, Sznitman, J., et al, Airborne Transmission of Respiratory Viruses, Science Vol 373 no 6558.
[ 3 ]
[ 5 ] Experiments upon volunteers to Determine the Cause and Mode of Spread of Influenza (aka “Spanish flu”. Hygienic Laboratory—Bulletin No. 123 Feb, 1921 Treasury Department, US Public Health Service. Page 172-272
[ 6 ] Sheng, ZM, Chertow, DS , Ambroggio, .org/10.1073/pnas.1111179108
[ 7 ] London: The Graphic, April 1875
[ 8 ]
[ 9 ] Qu J, Gao Z, Zhang Y, Wainwright M, Wickramasinghe NC, et al. (2016) Sunspot Activity, Influenza and Ebola Outbreak Connection. Astrobiol Outreach 4: 154. doi:10.4172/2332-2519.100015
[ 10 ] Firstenberg, Arthur, The Invisible Rainbow, Chelsea Green Publishing, London US 2020. p 75-93
[ 11 ] Qu J, Gao Z, Zhang Y, Wainwright M, Wickramasinghe NC, et al. (2016) Sunspot Activity, Influenza and Ebola Outbreak Connection. Astrobiol Outreach 4: 154. doi:10.4172/2332-2519.100015
[ 12 ] Pettit, DA America Experiences Pandemic Influenza, A Cruel Wind, 1918-1920 A SOCIAL HISTORY. Thesis, Winter 1976, du/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2144&context=dissertation
[ 13 ]
[ 14 ]
[ 15 ]
[ 16 ]
Source: Dr Lee Merritt – The Medical Rebel
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