Saturday, April 25, 2020

FAKE NEWS IS EXPOSED. How To Tell The Difference Between Real News And Fake News. Discovering how the fake news is reported as real news and reasons why this is so.

Are tabloids more factual than broadsheets? Much has to do with the integrity of the reporters, the editors and the policy of the owner and the purpose of each paper’s existence, besides the fact of whether it exists to make a profit.
My first introduction to news being contrarian views was when two different newspapers reported contradictory facts based upon the biases of the reporters, or maybe it had to do with readership.
The reporter for the popular tabloid thought the richest man in the world was a mean-spirited, evil, womanizing, penny-pinching miser, who had a pay phone installed in his house for visitors to use.
The reporter for the broadsheet wrote about an astute business man who maximized his profits by ensuring that all of his 12,000 employees remained loyal to his business and were amply rewarded for their efforts, noting that his corporation had the lowest turnover of employees of businesses his size.
Which rag was correct? Both were reporting facts. Both reporters excluded what the other overlooked.
Investigative reporting requires digging into the facts and uncovering hidden agendas that exist. Much of what is fed to mushrooms has nothing to do with investigative journalism, although, what is black and white and read all over, can be good manure for those mushrooms kept in the dark. Newspaper is refined organic material and worms love it. Aim: let the worms do the digging; keep the investigators away.
When I encountered rags from different political parties, what I noticed is that they clearly had an agenda that opposed policies other political parties endorsed. Socialist worker groups were anti-capitalism in any form—good or bad. Business groups were anti-unionism. Independents were pro one side or the other, but claimed they were without the cons. Initially, when I began to give consideration to the what were essentially two views, regarding employers and employees, I expected that all employees would be anti-employers, and employers would be anti-employees. Eventually, I realized that employers were not anti-employees, just poor performers and troublemakers who were not team players. Moreover, I discovered that the majority of employees were not anti-employer—many were pleased to have their job and work where they worked.
When I realized that not all papers have the same readership or agenda and the employee/employer division was not one of hatred, but that certain individuals or groups existed for the sake of creating division by any means, the truth hit home: everything I read is written either with an agenda or from a person’s personal perspective.
Once I understood that I had to discern between agendas and personal perspectives, I began to notice that much of the daily news is a reporting of the sad, the bad or the mad events of the day. As a consequence of this, I began only reading weekly magazines. The news was old, but didn’t affect me. I wasn’t the one who was being confused and going mad. I wasn’t the one feeling sad. I wasn’t the one turning bad. Now I was the one who was obtaining a better picture of world events. The people who were now influencing my worldview were investigative reporters, not talking heads nor photographers taking pics of birds and the bees and whatever they please.
Documentaries became an important tool of information regarding events that were taking place in the world. The night I was watching the documentary of Muhammad Ali and George Foreman in their “Rumble in the Jungle”, I was annoyed when the channel flipped over to New York and was showing live footage of one of the Twin Towers with smoke coming out of it. Eventually, they showed a plane fly into the other tower and poke its nose out of the other side. Now I thought nothing of the aircraft going through the whole building at the time. Just amazed that I saw this happen in real time. The buildings eventually fell. For seven days, all programming was suspended and nothing else was on television.
A couple of years later, I came across people who were questioning the official narrative concerning how building no. 7 also came down as a result of aircraft crashing into the World Trade Center Twin Towers. When I heard Aaron Russo tell of a CFR member inform him beforehand that an event was going to happen that would cause the public give up rights to fight a war on terrorism, I began to dig deeper.
In the late 1970′s, I had read The Rockefeller File by Allen, Gary and accepted that Ronald Reagan was President at the behest of the Rockefellers, and not so much because he was voted in by the public. My view of US politics was that they were controlled by the puppet masters, yet allowed to appear elected. What I couldn’t fully grasp is the need for the elaborate election process.
Having found the mystery member of the CFR, who spoke to Aaron Russo, (at the time) in China facilitating family business, investigations began in earnest. Sorting out the fanciful, the fake, the phony and the false from the true was a matter of asking questions. Eventually, satisfactory answers were found for a number of mysteries, coined by the CIA as conspiracy theories. As a conspiracy analyst, my mushroom-food detector was finding truffles in places most unexpected. One of the best places to find truffles is in a wood. Nevertheless, my worldview has certainly changed.
Now I read of a cruise ship having 3711 people on board, who were quarantined for 14 days. A microbiologist, a virologist and an epidemiologist all agreed that this was the worst thing that could happen to them all. These people were not being quarantined but placed in a incubator for the virus to have a devastating effect upon the passengers. Worse still, 1850 required lifesaving medications for chronic ailments to be delivered onto the ship for the 14 days. At the end of the ordeal, 3006 people are unaffected by the virus. Of the 705 who were contracted the virus, I heard two testify that it was like having a mild cold. Unfortunately, 6 people died aged: 87, 84, 80. 80. 79, 75+. This tells me that the virus is deadly for elderly people. But did they die of the virus or some other disease, due to the fact that they were kept on the ship for another 14 days. I am not sure whether stress did not play a part in the death of the deceased. Since no autopsies were performed, just immediate declarations, I am very puzzled how the accuracy of the deaths were determined.
Countries are being shut down because of coronavirus which is variously called COVID-19, Wuhan Flu, CoV-19, CoV-Sars-19. Day and night coverage of the numbers of persons supposedly contracting this virus are broadcast. Every death, purportedly from the virus, is announced with the solemnity of a major tragedy. Immediately I recognize that this is propaganda and another agenda is being executed to crash the world economy. The fake news channels broadcast the same talking points and announce the same deaths.
How do I know they are fake news channels? They do not interview doctors who are saying CDC told us to report died from coronovirus if a relative had coronavirus. Or doctors reporting people cured of virus within hours using hydroxycloroquine with azithromycin or zinc. Instead, I hear that these cures are dangerous, unreliable, not proven in clinical trials for COVID-19. The list goes on. Yet unreliable modelling of exaggerated projections is reported ad nausea.
If any of the politicians were using common sense, they would have held up the 3006 people unaffected on the Diamond Princess as an example of what to expect. Instead, they listened to the WHO and others who were claiming false projections based on computer modelling that millions of people were going to die. Clearly, someone else has an agenda, and many others are complicit. Like they say, follow the money and see who benefits.
If you want to know how not to be fooled by the fanciful, the fake, the phony, the false, and the fabricated news—check out the sources! No sources! No truth!
Balanced reporting or one sided? If one sided, note the side. Look for objectivity and note ridicule and rants. Emotive rants are evidence of puppets being paid to push a particular agenda. Agendas indicate fake news.
Don’t accept what you hear or read, today. Investigate matters of interest a week later, even a month later. Then you will begin to find out who is providing reliable information and who is being extremely selective when pushing the agenda that corresponds with the talking points for the day.
Once you have established where you stand, having become wise to what is right and what is wrong, discerning truth regarding what is fanciful, what is fabricated, what is phony, what is false, and what is fake, is not hard to do. The fanciful, fabricated, fake, phony and false are all the same—Fake News!

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