—a quote from the Washington Post
Once Upon A Time
In a Deal, Clinton Avoids Indictment
She Decided To Take The Furniture
Clintons Return White House Furniture
Former President Clinton and his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, have sent $28,000 worth of household goods back to Washington after questions arose over whether the items were intended as personal gifts or donations to the White House.
“We have been informed that it is being shipped back, and the National Park Service is ready to receive it, take possession of it and take custody of it,” Jim McDaniel, the National Park Service’s liaison to the White House, said Wednesday.
“The property is being returned to government custody until such time that the issues can be resolved. It may well turn out that that property is rightly the personal property of the Clintons.”
Giving Back
After they were criticized for taking $190,000 worth of china, flatware, rugs, televisions, sofas and other gifts with them when they left, the Clintons announced last week that they would pay for $86,000 worth of gifts, or nearly half the amount.
Their latest decision to send back $28,000 in gifts brings to $114,000 the value of items the Clintons have either decided to pay for or return.
McDaniel discussed the matter Wednesday with Betty Monkman, the White House curator, and Gary Walters, the chief usher, or executive manager of the White House.
They were reviewing the gifts the Clintons chose to keep after $28,000 worth of items were found on a list of donations the Park Service received for the 1993 White House redecoration project. The Washington Post this week quoted three people who said that they assumed the furnishings they donated for the project would stay in the White House.
“As a result of questions about the status of certain property donated to the White House during the Clinton administration, the National Park Service will accept the return of the property in question and act as a custodian of such property,” according to a statement released by the Park Service, which administers the White House as a unit of the national park system.
A person familiar with the Clintons’ move out of the White House, who spoke on condition of anonymity, would say only: “They’ve been returned.”
Furniture Movers
While the Clintons’ decision to return these gifts was a way to get out from under this and other criticism surrounding their departure from the White House, the couple provided scant details about the shipment.
Mrs. Clinton’s office referred all questions about the gift return to the former president’s transition office. Transition office workers said the Clintons would make no statement. They referred all questions to the Park Service, which wasn’t exactly sure which gifts were being returned or where they had been kept.
In a statement released Monday, Clinton’s transition office said every item they accepted was identified by the White House gift office as a present to them. They said none of the gifts taken was on a curator’s list of official White House property.
“Gifts did not leave the White House without the approval of the White House usher’s and curator’s offices,” the statement said. “Of course, if the White House now determines that a cataloging error occurred, ... any item in question will be returned.”
Instead of waiting for the issue to be resolved, the Clintons returned the items.
The gifts in question were: A kitchen table and four chairs valued at $3,650 from Lee Ficks of Cincinnati, Ohio; a $1,000 needlepoint rug from David Martinous of Little Rock, Ark.; two sofas, an easy chair and an ottoman worth $19,900 from Steve Mittman of New York; lamps valued at $1,170 from Stuart Shiller of Hialeah, Fla.; and a $2,843 sofa from Brad Noe, a businessman from California.
The gifts were just one of several flaps that followed the Clintons out of the White House:
Lawmakers are questioning Clinton’s desire to rent expensive office space in New York City at government expense. Because of the contention, the former president’s foundation has offered to pay at least $300,000 of an estimated $790,000 annual rent for the office Clinton favors.
Mrs. Clinton, the new senator from New York, has faced questions about the propriety of accepting the gifts in the period between her election and her swearing-in. Senate rules would have limited what she could accept had she been a senator.
Members of both parties also have criticized Clinton for granting scores of eleventh-hour clemency requests, including the pardon of Marc Rich, a fugitive in Switzerland from 51 counts in the United States of tax evasion and fraud.
By: Ben Jammin
Comey said “different instructions given to the MidYear investigation and the Clinton Foundation investigation”.
“we had told the world, we the DOJ and FBI that there was nothing there.. to now be presented with all these *CLASSIFIED* emails”.
NO time sensitivity from the Clinton Foundation?!? Talk about Russia connections.
“Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.” Joseph Goebbels.
Basically the Clinton/Leftist playbook.

“indicative of a BIASED state of mind but, even more seriously, implies willingness to take official action”.
“pertained to the Russia investigation, which was not a part of this review.” (Report 3 and Huber on deck)

The 5 employees (who have been referred for investigation) regret using the FBI devices for texts because…. DUN DUN DUN
“the belief that their messages would not be preserved or would be exempt from public disclosure under FOIA”
They showed their true colors here.

These FBI employees were not only biased, but dumb. They “are trained law enforcement agents or attorneys, and should have known that
these messages were potentially subject to release in response to FOIA requests”.

“potentially implicate provisions in the FBI’s Offense Code and Penalty Guidelines”
“At a minimum, we found that the employees’ use of FBI systems and devices demonstrated extremely poor judgment and a gross lack of professionalism.”
Hi Huber!

IG says no evidence “directly connecting the political views these employees expressed in their text messages”.
No DIRECT evidence. They didn’t outright admit it. “whether violates the FBI’s Offense Code of Conduct”
Though I don’t trust FBI to self-regulate. (2nd Pic)

This is being under-reported.
Not only did Comey use a personal email for official business. BUT SO DID STRZOK AND PAGE.
Also, Comey “routinely deletes all emails from his [Gmail] account each day, and then clears the deleted messages folder”. What no Bleachbit?

There were so many FBI employees “at all levels of the organization” who were in contact with reporters that it “impacted our ability to identify the sources of leaks””we identified dozens of FBI employees that had contact with members of the media”.

This has been reported publicly, but not touched on by me yet.
“FBI employees received tickets to sporting events from journalists, went on golfing outings with media representatives, were treated to drinks and meals after work by reporters”.

FBI Analyst said no probable cause to search HRC’s home for the phones cause she destroyed them. WHAT? That’s a free pass to search her shit.
OMG PICS 2,3,4. “consent to store, but not search”. WOW! FBI Didn’t search evidence on 6 HRC Laptops.

This is interesting. Looks like the DOJ was putting limitations on the FBI’s “ability to obtain evidence”.
Though we know from previous tweets that they OBTAINED 6 laptops, but didn’t SEARCH them..
People. They threw this case purposefully.

“FBI could not search emails sent or received by other account holders on Clinton’s servers—such as Abedin and former President Clinton and his staff”. (Cuz it’s same server as Clinton Foundation??)
Bill Clinton had email on the server as well! They couldn’t search Huma’s emails (we know some were classified).
Bill Clinton had a staff member PRINT OUT EMAILS SENT TO HIM. Classified?
FBI agents “considered emails that Clinton sent to her husband through this employee as privileged, …this may not have been legally required”
Marriage privilege?

Justin Cooper was allowed to delete “personal and business” information off of his computer that the government agreed to.
This was propose by Cooper’s attorney.
Who is Aaron Zebley? LAWYER ON MUELLER’S TEAM!!!!

FBI agents said “there was no evidence that Cooper was the sender or recipient of classified information” (don’t forget they let him DELETE information off his comp 1st) and Strzok said they couldn’t establish probable cause 4 classified info.

FBI was concerned that National Security Division prosecutors were “intimidated” by Clinton attorneys and “did not negotiate aggressively with them”. “The Lead Analyst told us that “every single consent arrangement CONSTRAINED what we did…to some degree.”

Jake Sullivan, Cherly Mills and Huma Abedin “sent or received CLASSIFIED information on their private email accounts and forwarded emails containing classified information to Clinton”.
BUT “the prosecutors determined no one committed any criminal offenses.”

Remember Cheryl Mills got Immunity, though no criminal charges stemmed from it.
“The application provided as an example one email that was determined to be classified at the level of SECRET//NOFORN at the time the email was sent”.

Common theme. FBI gave benefit of the doubt to all involved in the HRC email matter. (THOUGH TRUMP DOESN’T GET THIS BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT). Mills and Abedin DELETED the CONFIRMED CLASSIFIED emails, though there was “no basis to conclude” it was for an “improper purpose”.

Common theme 2. FBI allowed HRC aides to delete classified information from their emails and the server *with no repercussions, and received immunity deals that amounted to no charges for ANYONE*. Jake Sullivan had TOP SECRET & 496 suspected CLASSIFIED also on GMAIL.

FBI KNEW that the *classified emails* were deleted from her accounts. YET, likely no probable cause to seek a search warrant”.
Doesn’t make any sense that they continue to say no probable cause.
Sullivan used personal emails for state business WHILE OVERSEAS!!

“reasons to promptly seek a search warrant for Sullivan’s Gmail account” Top Secret emails sent to Sullivan “clearly constituted classified information”. FBI knew her aides had secret and classified information and gave them immunity anyway (with no charges for anyone).

More examples that the FBI didn’t pursue the devices from Clinton aides. *Even though they knew they sent/received TOP SECRET and classified information. They wanted to “prevent a further compromise of classified information” but not to pursue aides classified info.

More evidence the FBI didn’t even attempt to obtain any of their personal devices, despite them having classified emails. The FBI Operational Technology Division said “it was not likely that there would be anything on the devices” *Quite the assumption*.

“Persistent practices of DOS employees, including both political and career employees, discussing classified information”. “FBI Attorney 1 told us that the emails containing classified information that were forwarded to Clinton often copied numerous DOS employees”.

“Prosecutor 1 explained that the team was not “as concerned that [Abedin] was taking stuff off the classified systems and dumping it down.” Don’t forget.. The maid who printed Emails. “Pls ask Marina to print for me in am,” Clinton emailed top aide Huma Abedin.

1 paragraph, and the NEXT paragraph. Insane! “not “as concerned that [Abedin] was taking stuff off the classified systems”. “Abedin acknowledged that she “occasionally” forwarded work-related emails to her husband for PRINTING”.

So many cases of FBI not following up on Hillary and he Aides having classified information. “FBI considered seeking access to certain highly classified materials” “but ultimately did not do so”. “The OIG also has not reviewed the highly classified information.”

Interesting. No one got any “transactional immunity”, meaning they are not protected from future prosecution. We know they had Top Secret info on their computers, and only received “QUeen for a Day” immunity with 3 of them. They may still be subject to prosecution.

Paul Combetta said that the HRC archive should still be on the server, despite documentation showing it wasn’t there. He said he “and one other administrator” had the ability to delete the mailbox. (either he is lying, or the other admin deleted it). Who is that?!


DOJ IG Report – Part 3
By: Ben Jammin
Let’s see what I missed first time around.
(I’m bouncing around the report, not reading straight through…. ADHD)
(I’m bouncing around the report, not reading straight through…. ADHD)
Sally Yates didn’t want the “agents involved in the Clinton Foundation investigation” (Not the server or emails, What happened to this investigation?), “to take no overt investigative steps prior to the election”.
Would make sense (if she were actually non-biased).

Sally Yates didn’t want the “agents involved in the Clinton Foundation investigation” (Not the server or emails, What happened to this investigation?), “to take no overt investigative steps prior to the election”.
Would make sense (if she were actually non-biased).

Comey said “different instructions given to the MidYear investigation and the Clinton Foundation investigation”.
“we had told the world, we the DOJ and FBI that there was nothing there.. to now be presented with all these *CLASSIFIED* emails”.
NO time sensitivity from the Clinton Foundation?!? Talk about Russia connections.
“Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.” Joseph Goebbels.
Basically the Clinton/Leftist playbook.

*Important*This is
what the media and liberals have pounced on with the “no political
bias” nonsense. @KimStrassel laid this out very clearly. THEY WEREN’T
TRUMP. That would be dumb, even for them.

“indicative of a BIASED state of mind but, even more seriously, implies willingness to take official action”.
“pertained to the Russia investigation, which was not a part of this review.” (Report 3 and Huber on deck)

The 5 employees (who have been referred for investigation) regret using the FBI devices for texts because…. DUN DUN DUN
“the belief that their messages would not be preserved or would be exempt from public disclosure under FOIA”
They showed their true colors here.

These FBI employees were not only biased, but dumb. They “are trained law enforcement agents or attorneys, and should have known that
these messages were potentially subject to release in response to FOIA requests”.

“potentially implicate provisions in the FBI’s Offense Code and Penalty Guidelines”
“At a minimum, we found that the employees’ use of FBI systems and devices demonstrated extremely poor judgment and a gross lack of professionalism.”
Hi Huber!

IG says no evidence “directly connecting the political views these employees expressed in their text messages”.
No DIRECT evidence. They didn’t outright admit it. “whether violates the FBI’s Offense Code of Conduct”
Though I don’t trust FBI to self-regulate. (2nd Pic)

This is being under-reported.
Not only did Comey use a personal email for official business. BUT SO DID STRZOK AND PAGE.
Also, Comey “routinely deletes all emails from his [Gmail] account each day, and then clears the deleted messages folder”. What no Bleachbit?

There were so many FBI employees “at all levels of the organization” who were in contact with reporters that it “impacted our ability to identify the sources of leaks””we identified dozens of FBI employees that had contact with members of the media”.

This has been reported publicly, but not touched on by me yet.
“FBI employees received tickets to sporting events from journalists, went on golfing outings with media representatives, were treated to drinks and meals after work by reporters”.

FBI Analyst said no probable cause to search HRC’s home for the phones cause she destroyed them. WHAT? That’s a free pass to search her shit.
OMG PICS 2,3,4. “consent to store, but not search”. WOW! FBI Didn’t search evidence on 6 HRC Laptops.

This is interesting. Looks like the DOJ was putting limitations on the FBI’s “ability to obtain evidence”.
Though we know from previous tweets that they OBTAINED 6 laptops, but didn’t SEARCH them..
People. They threw this case purposefully.

“FBI could not search emails sent or received by other account holders on Clinton’s servers—such as Abedin and former President Clinton and his staff”. (Cuz it’s same server as Clinton Foundation??)
Bill Clinton had email on the server as well! They couldn’t search Huma’s emails (we know some were classified).
Bill Clinton had a staff member PRINT OUT EMAILS SENT TO HIM. Classified?
FBI agents “considered emails that Clinton sent to her husband through this employee as privileged, …this may not have been legally required”
Marriage privilege?

Justin Cooper was allowed to delete “personal and business” information off of his computer that the government agreed to.
This was propose by Cooper’s attorney.
Who is Aaron Zebley? LAWYER ON MUELLER’S TEAM!!!!

FBI agents said “there was no evidence that Cooper was the sender or recipient of classified information” (don’t forget they let him DELETE information off his comp 1st) and Strzok said they couldn’t establish probable cause 4 classified info.

FBI was concerned that National Security Division prosecutors were “intimidated” by Clinton attorneys and “did not negotiate aggressively with them”. “The Lead Analyst told us that “every single consent arrangement CONSTRAINED what we did…to some degree.”

Jake Sullivan, Cherly Mills and Huma Abedin “sent or received CLASSIFIED information on their private email accounts and forwarded emails containing classified information to Clinton”.
BUT “the prosecutors determined no one committed any criminal offenses.”

Remember Cheryl Mills got Immunity, though no criminal charges stemmed from it.
“The application provided as an example one email that was determined to be classified at the level of SECRET//NOFORN at the time the email was sent”.

Common theme. FBI gave benefit of the doubt to all involved in the HRC email matter. (THOUGH TRUMP DOESN’T GET THIS BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT). Mills and Abedin DELETED the CONFIRMED CLASSIFIED emails, though there was “no basis to conclude” it was for an “improper purpose”.

Common theme 2. FBI allowed HRC aides to delete classified information from their emails and the server *with no repercussions, and received immunity deals that amounted to no charges for ANYONE*. Jake Sullivan had TOP SECRET & 496 suspected CLASSIFIED also on GMAIL.

FBI KNEW that the *classified emails* were deleted from her accounts. YET, likely no probable cause to seek a search warrant”.

“reasons to promptly seek a search warrant for Sullivan’s Gmail account” Top Secret emails sent to Sullivan “clearly constituted classified information”. FBI knew her aides had secret and classified information and gave them immunity anyway (with no charges for anyone).

More examples that the FBI didn’t pursue the devices from Clinton aides. *Even though they knew they sent/received TOP SECRET and classified information. They wanted to “prevent a further compromise of classified information” but not to pursue aides classified info.

More evidence the FBI didn’t even attempt to obtain any of their personal devices, despite them having classified emails. The FBI Operational Technology Division said “it was not likely that there would be anything on the devices” *Quite the assumption*.

“Persistent practices of DOS employees, including both political and career employees, discussing classified information”. “FBI Attorney 1 told us that the emails containing classified information that were forwarded to Clinton often copied numerous DOS employees”.

“Prosecutor 1 explained that the team was not “as concerned that [Abedin] was taking stuff off the classified systems and dumping it down.” Don’t forget.. The maid who printed Emails. “Pls ask Marina to print for me in am,” Clinton emailed top aide Huma Abedin.

1 paragraph, and the NEXT paragraph. Insane! “not “as concerned that [Abedin] was taking stuff off the classified systems”. “Abedin acknowledged that she “occasionally” forwarded work-related emails to her husband for PRINTING”.

So many cases of FBI not following up on Hillary and he Aides having classified information. “FBI considered seeking access to certain highly classified materials” “but ultimately did not do so”. “The OIG also has not reviewed the highly classified information.”

Interesting. No one got any “transactional immunity”, meaning they are not protected from future prosecution. We know they had Top Secret info on their computers, and only received “QUeen for a Day” immunity with 3 of them. They may still be subject to prosecution.

Pagliano’s attorney was “insistent on immunity for his client even though it was explained to him that Pagliano is a witness and not a target.” He then proceeded to plead the 5th before the House Benghazi Committee. At what point are these people obstructing justice?

Pagliano’s attorney was “insistent on immunity for his client even though it was explained to him that Pagliano is a witness and not a target.” He then proceeded to plead the 5th before the House Benghazi Committee. At what point are these people obstructing justice?

Paul Combetta said that the HRC archive should still be on the server, despite documentation showing it wasn’t there. He said he “and one other administrator” had the ability to delete the mailbox. (either he is lying, or the other admin deleted it). Who is that?!

There’s still a lot to go through. I’ll keep at this but time for a break lol