Tuesday, July 23, 2024

THE SECRET OF WEALTH CONTROL IS OWNING THE FINANCIAL SECTOR THAT FUNDS EVERY OTHER SECTOR OF INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE. The World’s Economy Runs On Debt For Most Businesses Have To Borrow Money To Cover Unforeseen Exigencies In Cash Flow That Arise From Time To Time. Apart from this there is a scarcity of firms that are debt free, because most small businesses are financed by business loans raised against other assets and the larger firms often with debentures.

How they became the richest men in the world to control EVERYTHING

The Richest Man in the World

The Unz Review

The purpose of this essay is threefold: (1) to bring to the attention of readers the existence of a long-standing conspiracy about the identification of “The Richest Man in the World”, (2) to dismiss from contention the current list of candidates, and (3) to document that a small number of Jewish banking families operating out of the City of London have for generations held these wealth records with fortunes that are orders of magnitude above anything we might have imagined. I will address these points in reverse order, and deal with the current crop of wunderkind at the end.

I do not profess to be able to irrefutably document all the assertions made in this essay, nor to definitively substantiate all the inferences made. The topic is such that too much of the necessary legal evidence is irretrievably hidden from public view and accessibility, and we must in many cases rely on logic and circumstantial evidence to support our assertions and inferences. While the proofs are not as complete as one would desire, this level of evidentiary support is often sufficient, especially when our cases follow an established pattern and we have such reasoning and evidence in bulk. The descriptions and evidence in this essay will serve at least to provide a reasonable basis for understanding and to “draw attention to some of the great forces which have been molding our world”. The figures presented in this essay are not meant as precise calculations, but to impress upon readers the magnitude of the numbers and amounts with which we are dealing.

The Power of Compound Interest

Much of this essay is primarily dependent on only one simple thesis: that those with enormous wealth do not leave it idle but put it to a constant good use; the money is always at work. It is lent out to finance wars and colonisation, to purchase legitimate businesses, to establish control of governments and national economies, and more.

As to interest rates for long-term accumulation, we tend to think of historical interest rates as being very low, perhaps only 1% or 2%, but that was seldom the case. The reason Abraham Lincoln resorted to printing his “Greenbacks” as currency was because Rothschild demanded a 24% interest rate to fund the Union in the US civil war. There are many other such examples, as war financing in particular carried high interest rates. Dutch perpetual bonds issued by Jews were at rates of 10% and 12% in the 1500s and 1600s; Genoa issued much of its debt at 9% in the 1600s. I have used a rate of 5% for the compound interest calculations in this essay, a selection that is admittedly arbitrary but that appears reasonable and conservative in the overall context. The accompanying charts from the Bank of England appear to justify this choice.[1][2]

Some Background on Corporations

A great many of the world’s largest corporations are owned and controlled by Jews, many of these by the select few in the City of London, but also very many outside this small group. The world’s major oil companies are controlled by Jewish interests, as are the major pharmaceutical companies, many of the weapons manufacturers and the world’s airlines, a preponderant amount of the world’s shipping capacity, and many other industries that might not normally come to mind. It is impossible to obtain access to all the information required to even hazard a guess at the value of the corporate asset ownership of these people, but consider that virtually all of the media in the West, and a great deal of the prime media outlets in the rest of the world, including movies and book publishing, are owned or controlled by Jews. There are international companies worth in total many trillions of dollars that are entirely Jewish; Nestle, Sanofi, Monsanto, being a few among hundreds such. We cannot easily know what part of this reverts to our handful of Jewish bankers in the City of London, how much of that was financed by, and is controlled from, that center, but it isn’t negligible.

Things are not always what they seem. Many of the world’s large fortunes were financed by Rothschild or others from that inner circle and thus there is a hidden ownership that will never be revealed. Trolling through historical records, we sometimes discover that a very wealthy man left an estate of only a few million dollars. It isn’t a secret although apparently not widely-known, that one of the Rothschilds financed Rockefeller’s creation of Standard Oil, and did the same with Andrew Carnegie’s steel empire and the Harriman railroad fortune in the US, among others. The financing was usually done through J. P. Morgan, who was a Rothschild agent for all of his career, and in fact Morgan’s banking interests themselves were much more European Jewish than they were American. It is worthy to bring this to the attention of readers since it appears that much of the wealth of the famous American and European families may not have been really theirs but belonged instead to the ultimate Jewish financiers in the background. Today, Google, Facebook, Tesla, Amazon, Starbucks, and many others are in this category, firms that could not possibly have attained their extent of market control without both heavy financing and intense planning originating elsewhere.

A number of studies have been done on interlocking corporate ownership and control, with consistent conclusions that as few as 400 companies, and perhaps even as few as 250 companies, own outright or at least have control of, more than 40% of all the value listed on all stock exchanges everywhere.[3] [4] [5]

But behind those 400 or 250 companies is that same number of men controlling those companies. Even though most large corporations are listed as public, with sometimes hundreds of millions of shares outstanding, we cannot know where the true control lies. Increasingly, many of the shares are held by proxies like Blackrock or Blackstone or other investment groups, and we have no information on share classifications or other restrictions on voting and control.

Nor does the general public have information on interlocking directors who have absolute day to day control, including over all financial decisions. More importantly, it isn’t necessary to own a plurality of shares if you control the Board of Directors or if they are reading from the same script. These people can empty a company’s treasury to pay unlimited dividends tax-free through a tax haven, and do so without even attracting unrest from the common shareholders who seldom have much understanding of these matters.

Many European banks fall into this category, most of these Jewish-owned and tightly-held. The few dozens of Europe’s largest banks like HSBC, BNP Paribas, Lloyd’s, have a market cap in the trillions and an asset base of over €30 trillion. The major North American banks, like Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, again owned by Jews, have a market cap of well over $1.5 trillion and assets to match. Plus, we have literally hundreds of Jewish-owned banks in Switzerland and other countries that appear on no list anywhere.

Many of the world’s largest insurance and reinsurance companies are owned by Jews, with a combined market cap in the trillions, and there is no way to place a value on Lloyd’s of London, a worldwide insurance platform that is virtually priceless. Then there are the oil companies; Royal Dutch Shell alone has a market cap of over $200 billion, and there are many of these, Jewish-controlled, sufficient to control the world’s price of oil as we will see.

The two major FMCG companies, Unilever and P&G, both Jewish, have a combined market cap of over half a trillion dollars. Internet-related firms like Google, Meta, Amazon, Dell, Oracle, again all Jewish, have a combined market cap of nearly $5 trillion. The world’s fashion houses and jewelry firms, mostly Jewish-owned or controlled, firms like Swarovski, YSL, LVMH, Cartier, Hermès, Estee Lauder, L’Oréal, have a market cap of more than $1 trillion, and there are hundreds of jewelry firms, diamond cutters and merchants, gold dealers, operating behind the scenes that are also owned by Jews and worth a combined trillions of dollars.

The major armaments and weapons manufacturers, which have always had a high percentage of Jewish ownership and control, again have a market cap in the vicinity of $1 trillion. The world’s major food companies, again mostly owned by Jews, is another example. Nestlé, an entirely Jewish company, owns more than 2,000 food brands with a market cap of about 1/3 of a trillion dollars by itself. Pepsico is the second-largest food company in the world, owning hundreds of major brands, and many others like Kraft Heinz, Mondelez, Danone, Anheuser-Busch Inbev, Coca-Cola, Diageo, Starbucks, have a combined market cap of at least $1.5 trillion. The world’s largest pharmaceutical companies are all Jewish-owned, with a combined market cap of around $4 trillion.

The main North American media companies (all owned by Jews) have a market cap of over $1 trillion, with larger numbers for the European media that are also largely Jewish-owned and virtually all Jewish-controlled. And this ignores their media holdings in Latin America, Asia and Africa. And there are literally hundreds of Jewish-owned companies that don’t fit easily into the above categories, including everything from H&R Block to Mattel and Hasbro, Monsanto, Ben and Jerry’s. The list is almost endless. Collectively, their value and influence are enormous.

The Real Power: Family Dynasties

When we read of a Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, we tend to think in simple terms of someone starting a company with a good idea and over a lifetime building a huge enterprise that today is worth many billions. But this reasoning is simplistic because we are confining our thoughts to only one generation. The people with whom we are concerned here, are family dynasties that have been accumulating their fortunes for perhaps ten or even twenty generations. With the Rothschilds, Sassoons, and so many others, we are going back to the 1600s and 1700s, with family dynasties that have expanded enormously over the centuries and maintained control over their increasingly vast wealth through avoidance of inheritance taxes, rigid intermarriage, and shared intentions.

The greatest of all family dynasties are hidden from view, expunged from the media, deleted from the history books, and almost never attract public attention. All of these are Jewish – Rothschild, Sassoon, Sebag-Montefiori, Warburg, Lehman, Goldman, and so many names you may have never heard of. Here is a listing of a few of the Jewish bankers, representing perhaps only 25% of them, most having begun banking, financing and industrial operations in the early to mid-1800s, so an average of nearly 200 years, and many resulting in Jewish family dynasties that continue to this day, entirely out of the public eye.

Rothschild, Sassoon, Warburg, Moses Montefiori, Sebag-Montefiori, Kadoorie, Lehman, Israel Moses Seif, Kuhn Loeb, Goldman Sachs, Salomon, Schiff, Joseph Hambro, J. Henry Schroder, Samuel Montagu, Emile and Isaac Péreire, Lazard Brothers, Speyer brothers, Seligman brothers, Stern brothers, Barnato Brothers, Ernest Oppenheimer, Abraham Oppenheim, Carl Fuerstenberg, Jacob Goldschmidt, Oskar Wassermann, Hirsch, Raphael Jonathan Bischoffsheim, Hambro, Isaac Glückstadt, Levy Martin, Markus Rubin, Goldsmid, Rosenthal, A. Dunkelsbueler, Eugen Gutmann, Herbert Gutman, Wagg and Co, Mèdici family, Speyer, Speyer-Elissen, Emile Erlanger, S. Japhet, Ernest Cassel, Carl Meyer, Achille Fould, Luigi Luzzatti, Wertheimer and Gompertz, Lippman.[6][7][8]

I have a graphic on my computer that displays the holdings of the Rothschild dynasty, displayed rather like an organisation chart with small boxes indicating holdings and lines everywhere indicating ownership and control. It is so large that to print it in the smallest readable type would require a sheet of paper half a meter in size. Rothschild recently created a new bank just to manage his land holdings confiscated from poor countries. It is difficult to obtain hard information because so much of this is done through no-name banks, agents, related companies, and run through innumerable tax havens. Rothschild owns, among other things, Sanofi Pharma with a capitalisation of $125 billion, the Economist, and IHS which is the largest mobile tower operator in Africa.[9]

Anglo American was founded by Ernest Oppenheimer, a German Jew. Headquartered in the City of London, this is one of the 250 largest companies in the world, producing gold, diamonds, other metals, and nearly half of all the world’s platinum. Their subsidiaries and investments are too many to list. When Ernest died, he was succeeded by his son Harry, who also became chairman of De Beers, so you can see how the families integrate and rationalise their holdings.

The Jewish Wallenbergs in Sweden have been in business for 200 years, where today they own most large Swedish industrial groups like Enskilda Bank, Ericsson, Electrolux, ABB, SAAB, SAS Group, SKF, Atlas Copco, and Nasdaq. As far back as 50 years ago, the Wallenberg family businesses employed 40% of Sweden’s industrial workforce and represented 40% of the total worth of the Stockholm stock market. The market capitalisation of only ten of their companies is nearly $350 billion, and much has been buried in trusts and hidden in tax havens. Swarovski, with their fake “crystal” is another 150-year-old Jewish dynasty.

For this essay, I will ignore much of the past history of these Jewish families and begin from the early 1800s, but it should be noted that these Khazar “family fortunes” began hundreds of years before this. We had the (Jewish) Dutch Tulip bubble, the (Jewish) South Seas bubble, the (Jewish) British and Dutch East India Companies and many similar. There were the centuries of slave trading, of tax farming and so much more. I will omit all of that.

India was at one time almost certainly the richest nation in the world, with stocks of gold, silver and precious gems worthy of fable and legend. The British East India Company which was eventually led by one of the Rothschilds, was unquestionably the greatest criminal enterprise in the history of the world, and the vehicle used to loot India to the bones.

Sassoon ben Salih was the chief treasurer to the pashas of Baghdad.[10]. Exposed in an immense fraud in the early 1800s that must have involved hundreds of billions in today’s dollars, he was lucky to escape with his life (and the money). He and his two sons David and Joseph fled to India where they teamed up with one of the Rothschilds and hatched their infernal plan to force Indian peasants to grow opium for sale in China.[11]

From the early days, they already had the young Queen Victoria firmly in their grasp. She not only supported their efforts to the extent of allocating the British military as the Jews’ enforcers of the opium, giving David Sassoon the exclusive franchise for selling opium in all of China, seizing Hong Kong for his distribution base and giving him the charter to form the HSBC. To say that the British Royal Family profited heavily from this personally, would be an understatement of some magnitude. This is where we will begin our story.

From their wholesale looting of India and the thefts from Iraq, followed by growing and selling of opium in China, Rothschild and Sassoon were reliably estimated to have accumulated wealth of more than $5 billion each, by 1835. Actually, the calculated estimates I have seen were of $6 billion and $7 billion,[12] and these were my estimates as well. I reduced this to $5 billion to be conservative, but the totals are still staggering. $5 billion accumulated at only 5% for the intervening 185 years, accumulates to a total in 2022, of more than $40 trillion each for Rothschild and Sassoon. And there were at least a dozen or more Jewish banking families that were not so very far behind Rothschild and Sassoon, as well as many dozens more that were very wealthy but not in this same league. That $40 trillion may seem shocking and too fantastic to be real, but reserve your judgment until the end. As you will see, that $40 trillion is almost irrelevant in the overall picture.

Leger Entry: Rothschild: $40 trillion in today’s dollars

Leger Entry: Sassoon: $40 trillion in today’s dollars

(1) Slavery and Forced Labor

Jews have always been heavily involved in slave trading, including both the white slaves that depopulated Ireland and much of England and the more recent black slaves, but I will ignore that part of the past and deal only with the more recent events in China. Slave trading by these same richest Jews – Rothschild, Sassoon, Kadoorie and many others, stopped only because the First World War put an end to it. We haven’t precise numbers, but the historical record tells us that many millions of Chinese were kidnapped and sold as slave labor. Countless tens of thousands of Chinese were kidnapped and shipped as slave labor to North America to build the railroads and work the gold mines, to build the Panama Railway and the Panama Canal, to work the guano mines in Peru, and in many other instances. This is why we have Chinese all over the world; even today the population of Panama is more than 10% Chinese because of this.

In many cases, the Chinese were not actually sold to others but used by the Jews as slave labor for their own projects. As late as 1904, Rothschild had around 65,000 Chinese kidnapped from Fujian Province to work his gold mines in South Africa.[13]

When these same Jews financed the building of the North American railroads and the Panama Canal, for example, kidnapped Chinese were the supply of free (and disposable) labor. Harsh conditions resulting in tens of thousands of deaths were irrelevant because the supply was inexhaustible. As well, there is credible evidence that Easter Island was almost totally depopulated by these same Jews who kidnapped most of the people to work the guano mines in Peru. There are letters from officials in the UK demanding that these Jews return the Easter Islanders to their home.

At this distance in time, it isn’t possible to construct a comprehensive tally of the totals of Chinese slave laborers conscripted by these Jews for their projects, nor to estimate the “value” of all this slave labor, but it was certainly substantial and carried on in great volume from about 1800 to 1920 and, as I mentioned above, it was only the First World War that put a stop to it. I list this because it is an important contributing aspect to the accumulated wealth of these Jewish banking families, but I do not provide a leger entry for it.

Leger Entry: $0 trillion in today’s dollars

(2) Diamonds

It’s not a secret that DeBeers controls the diamond production of South Africa, and also in Zaire, nor that DeBeers is a Rothschild company. Let’s not forget the origin and purpose of the Boer Wars. Diamond production statistics seem scattered, with South Africa claiming around 650 million carats of total production,[14] while Statista claims twice this amount. South Africa places a value on this production (at $100 per carat) at about $60 billion, but with no allowance for the compounding an average of $300 million per year over 150 years: (average of 3 million carats per year at $100 per carat). If we allow for compounding at 5%, this accumulates to about $10 trillion. To keep things simple, I have excluded all other countries from this calculation; the addition of these and other Rothschild and Jewish-owned production would at least double the total. It should also be noted that the Jewish enclave of Holland is still the center of the world’s diamond trade, the great majority of which is firmly in Jewish hands.

Leger Entry: $10 trillion in today’s dollars

(3) Gold

It is difficult to find comprehensive and reliable statistics on the actual annual production of gold from the Rothschild-controlled mines, but production apparently reached more than 1,000 tonnes per year 50 years ago. With 32,000 ounces in a tonne of gold, and gold selling at $1,700 an ounce, that represents many billions of dollars per year, compounded at 5% for nearly 150 years, about ten times the value of the diamond production listed above. The picture is clouded by fluctuations in both production amounts and gold prices, so definitive results are impossible to calculate.[15]  I have assumed what I believe is a conservative estimate of only twice the diamond production and value.

Leger Entry: $20 trillion in today’s dollars

(4) Canals: Panama and the Suez

It is universally-known that the US built the Panama Canal – after “liberating” the Province of Panama from Columbia, but not so widely-known that it was Jewish money that paid for the canal.[16]

We can reasonably assume that the profits from the canal for about 120 years would have accrued to those who financed it. The Suez Canal was also built with Jewish money and existed as a privately-held corporation. However, since the revenues from these two amount to only a few mere billions of dollars per year, I will omit them from the totals.

Leger Entry: $0 trillion in today’s dollars

(5) Cash Management

It isn’t widely-known but, as part of America’s Monroe Doctrine, the US used not only its powerful bullying “diplomacy” but also the CIA and the full force of its military to arrange for a few Jewish bankers (and the US FED) to obtain the position of “investment managers” of all the cash assets and central bank holdings of the countries under its control. This included Latin America, but also countries like the Philippines and the 50+ countries where the US overthrew a government and installed a compliant dictatorship.

The scheme was simple. These nations were forced to turn over all their liquid assets to the Jewish bankers in the US who would “prudently manage” all that cash for the benefit of these smaller nations. In practice, the Jewish bankers invested the money in New York real estate and profited in the billions while paying those nations 3% on their money. This practice was coupled with a bad American habit of invading, then forcing open and emptying, the vaults of the central banks of these same nations of all their gold. These practices are sufficiently documented to withstand challenge and, having existed for about 150 years, I think we could reasonably attach a total compounded to today of at least $1 trillion dollars, but the historical records are insufficient and so I make no leger entry for this item.

Leger Entry: $0 trillion in today’s dollars

(6) Germany’s Hyperinflation

It is widely accepted today that Germany was set up for this precise circumstance from the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles and the corresponding restrictions enacted by Jews to prevent Germany’s recovery. Regardless, the inflation rate was so extreme that money became literally worthless, permitting the Jewish bankers to buy up much of Germany for virtually nothing. This was one of the deep resentments harbored by Hitler toward the Jews, knowing they were behind the treaty and other restrictions that could have had only the bankruptcy and subjugation of Germany as the one possible purpose. We needn’t go into details here, but it was Hitler’s eviction of the Jews from Germany’s banking system and taking over the country’s central bank that resulted in the “miracle” of Germany’s economic recovery which, unfortunately, was not to last. There is no way to estimate the value of the looting of Germany that took place at this time, and I attribute no definitive value to it although the present value would surely be in the many trillions of dollars, all to the benefit of these same few bankers.

Leger Entry: $0 trillion in today’s dollars

(7) Central Banks

European Jewish banking families, led by the Rothschilds, own or control the central banks of at least 30 nations, including the FED in the US. There are several very nasty results of this ownership, one of which is that these nations cannot print their own money but must borrow it from the (privately-owned) central banks – and pay interest on it. This is of enormous magnitude. Until the late 1970s, Canada owned its own central bank and paid little to no interest to foreigners. But then-Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau (Justin Trudeau’s father) committed an astonishing act of treason – on his own account, without even the knowledge of his own cabinet or Parliament – and committed Canada to foregoing its financial birthright to print its own currency and from then on borrowing from the European Jewish bankers. The result is that in the past 30 or 40 years little Canada has paid these bankers more than $1.1 trillion in interest for borrowing its own money.[17][18][19][20][21][22]

You might especially want to watch item 22, a video of Canada’s former Cabinet Minister commenting on Banking in America.

But Rothschild and a handful of other Jewish banking families have owned the central banks of the European nations, and others including the US FED, for well over 100 years. If little Canada has paid more than $1 trillion in interest in a relatively short time, the governments of countries like England, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, South Africa, have paid much more during the past century. As one example, Italy’s debt is several times that of Canada, and many other countries are in the same position.[23]

I have no accurate record of total interest the US has paid to the FED, but its current debt is more than $13 trillion – an amount which will never be paid off.

Working from Canada as a baseline, and counting only 30 countries, an excessively conservative estimate would be $30 trillion paid out in interest to these bankers. If we then allow for only 100 years, we can multiply this by more than three times and arrive at around $100 trillion paid in interest – entirely without need or justification. And this doesn’t allow for the US FED which could increase the total by half again. It should also be noted that those 50+ nations where the US military and CIA overthrew a government, the Jewish bankers were right behind them to take over ownership of all those central banks. In every case where information has escaped – Iraq, Libya, South Africa, the Balkans, this has been their priority and simple logic dictates that it would be very high on their list in every country where they had access. I have not included this item in my estimates. Considering all of the above, my leger entry is arguably conservative by 75% or more, but there is insufficient detail. My estimate below makes no allowance for the compounding of interest for even 100 years; to do so would multiply the total to a truly astronomical figure, and yet the real-world situation is that this amount would indeed be compounded, and for more than 100 years, to the many hundreds of trillions.

Leger Entry: $100 trillion in today’s dollars

(8) Recessions and Depressions

One of the nastier advantages of the foreign ownership of a country’s central bank is that the Jews have total control over those economies.[24] Since they control both the money supply and the interest rates, they have easily the power to whipsaw economies and profit immensely at every cycle. They do it the same way every time – by lowering interest rates to zero or nearly so, while hugely inflating the money supply, thereby creating large bubbles in debt, in the stock and housing markets, and so on. Then, they severely contract the money supply and all credit while simultaneously raising interest rates, thus bankrupting countless thousands of banks, businesses and families, and buying up for pennies on the dollar every manner of assets when the blood is running in the streets. After accomplishing their task of relieving a nation of a significant portion of its assets, they again expand the money supply and open the credit taps while reducing interest rates to give economies time to recover, then rinse and repeat. It is not a secret that all such recessions have been deliberately inflicted on Western economies by these Jewish bankers for the past 200 years or more.

The 1929 Great Depression was one such, with euphoria based on the Jewish owners of the FED expanding an almost unlimited money supply and easy credit with low interest rates, building a huge bubble which was then burst. Thousands of banks, tens of thousands of companies, and millions of families, all went bankrupt, with all those assets mostly flowing eventually to the Jewish owners of the US FED and their closest friends. This was done many times prior to 1929, and has been done many times since. The bitterly savage recession in 1983 was similarly created by the US FED – on orders from the City of London, with Volcker even boasting openly about what he was doing. The 2008 housing and financial crisis in the US was identical, and in no way accidental. It was so bad that an executive of Goldman Sachs said at the time, “Things will never return to normal after what they have done.”

The collapsing of the industrial economies in 2022 is the same. A sudden and deliberately-contrived “energy shortage”, created in large part by the sabotage of Nordstream II, a reduction in the money supply, and the stiff raising of interest rates “to combat inflation” (which was entirely self-induced), and soon blood will be once again running in the streets. And an almost unlimited number of industrial corporations, especially in Germany but also in the weaker European nations, will be facing bankruptcy and takeovers, the news of which will never reach the public thanks to the almost-total media control by these same people.

There is no accurate way to definitively calculate the looting that takes place during these contrived “recessions”. 1929 was certainly in the trillions of dollars, as was 1983, which were perhaps the two worst, but the others weren’t so far behind. 2008 was also in this category, the housing losses alone being in the trillions, which I have included elsewhere. Given the lack of detailed data, I won’t try to isolate and estimate the financial result of each contrived financial recession, and will ignore the smaller ones, but that still leaves us with 1929 and 1983 being worth a very conservative $3 trillion each. It seems unreasonable for our purposes to not compound these two amounts with interest for the 90 years and 40 years respectively, but the totals become fantastic and almost incomprehensibly large, and thus very difficult to accept as rational. At 5%, $3 trillion in 90 years (since 1929) will accumulate to $240 trillion, and even over 40 years (1983) will become $21 trillion.

Senator Robert Owen, a co-author of the Federal Reserve Act, testified before a Congressional Committee that the bank he owned received from the National Bankers’ Association the “Panic Circular of 1893.” It stated: “You will at once retire one-third of your circulation and call in one-half of your loans.” And that is how these central bankers create the recessions: an instant reduction of 35% or more in the nation’s money supply and a 50% reduction in total credit.[25]

The inevitable result is the bankruptcies of thousands of corporations and banks, and an enormous plunge in stock market values and corporate assets of every description which are now available for pennies on the dollar. Wait ten years, and repeat. The purpose is the immense transfer of wealth available in each such cycle, and not only from small banks and corporations but from the general public as well, many of whom also lose everything they had, those assets eventually filtering up to the few oligarchy bankers who planned the events.

Leger Entry: $6 trillion in today’s dollars

(9) Looting the Oil Industry in 1983

As a detailed example, let’s look at the FED-induced 1983 recession and its effect on only the oil industry in North America. To begin, let’s assume we have an oil well with a constant steady production (which many are), but in this case of only one barrel per year for 40 years, with the oil price at $100 per barrel. That gives us a total value of $4,000. However, since $1 next year is worth less than $1 this year, we discount our future production at some interest rate, with this result in terms of value (if we want to sell our oil well):

  • 0% – $4,000
  • 3% – $2,500
  • 6% – $1,500
  • 10% – $1,000
  • 25% – $400

Immediately prior to the 1983 recession, The New York Times proclaimed that a sudden and inexplicable “oil glut” had arrived,[26] such that oil became nearly worthless, prices dropping from US$40 to less than $10 almost overnight. Of course, if the price of oil drops by 75%, the value of our oil well drops by 75% as well, so our $4,000 oil well is now worth only $1,000. But we had a double whammy, because the FED wasn’t idle during this period. After causing a massive burst of inflation in the 1970s to prepare for this eventual result, the FED suddenly felt a need to “fight inflation” by driving interest rates up to 20% and even 25%. The result was that oil wells were then selling at a discount of 25% on cash flow, and I know because at the time I was in the oil business and was buying and selling oil properties, some quite large, at this discount rate. This means that our $4,000 oil well, which was now worth only $1,000 due the collapse in the price of oil, was then hit with the FED’s interest rate sting, and was now worth only $100. And, with the blood running in the streets, this was when our Jewish Khazar bankers in the City of London sent in their agents to buy.

Then, the “oil glut” somehow miraculously evaporated and it seems we actually had a shortage, pushing the oil price back to its original $40, and quickly on its way to $100. And then, just as miraculously, inflation seemed to have been “tamed”, and interest rates declined from 25% back down to the 6% and 3% where they had been before. And our “$100 oil well” was back up to $2,500 and on its way to $5,000. And that means that a mere handful of people purchased producing oil and gas properties for almost pennies, and then watched their “investment” multiply by maybe 50 times. That’s not bad. There are few places where we can obtain a return of 5,000% on an investment in only a few years, and with no risk whatever. When you have the power to control the price of oil, and when you have the FED controlling interest rates, you can work miracles. There is no way to calculate accurate totals, but countless thousands of small and medium-sized oil companies either went bankrupt or were taken over, and the purchases in North America alone would have been in the trillions of dollars. I have ignored the rest of the world, and assumed a conservative $2 trillion for only North America, adjusted at a growth of 5% for 40 years from 1983.

Leger Entry: $14 trillion in today’s dollars

(10) Looting Americans 1975 to 2022

The situation is not different with the 2008 financial meltdown in the US. We had clearly deliberate attempts to inflate the housing market to almost atmospheric levels, with nearly zero interest rates and the removal of all restrictions and requirements – to the point where unemployed homeless people were buying $500,000 homes. This was again done with the full cooperation of the FED. Then, they simply collapsed the bubble, resulting in tens of millions of foreclosures. And again, when the blood was running in the streets, firms like Blackrock and their ilk were busy buying up these foreclosed homes at perhaps half price, as rental properties – often, to the same people who lost them. There is no accurate record of the total purchases, but the buying was almost frenzied. At one point, one agent in Florida for one “investment firm” alone, was bidding on more than 200 homes per week. With even conservative estimates, the transfer of housing assets alone from the American middle class to these same few people, would have been $7 or $8 trillion, all within two or three years.

It is a surprise to me that so few people seem to want to see such events as having been planned, and yet the evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable. There is no possibility that these events, and so many similar, could possibly have occurred “by accident”. There were simply too many threads all working together to accomplish this one result, and those threads could not possibly have been independent. And it is not possible that the US government itself was unaware of the eventual outcome. Economists working for the US government are not stupid, and so many private economists were describing the events and predicting the only possible outcome. The only thesis that fits all the facts is that the 2008 meltdown was planned and that the US government, so totally controlled from the City of London, knowingly permitted it to happen. Again, in summary, a relative handful of people profited to the tune of trillions of dollars in a few years, in this one enterprise alone.

And it wasn’t only homes, and not only in 2008. In an article titled Destroyers of US Democracy[27], Chris Hedges quoted a RAND corporation report that stated: “These establishment politicians and their appointed judges promulgated laws that permitted the top 1 percent to loot $54 trillion from the bottom 90 percent, from 1975 to 2022, at a rate of $2.5 trillion a year, according to a study by the RAND corporation.”[28][29]

 For those who don’t know, RAND is a despicably Satanic corporation that spends most of its time on planning wars, designing torture regimes (Vietnam Phoenix, Guantanamo Bay, Baghram, Diego Garcia), and scheming for world political control. But the people at RAND do know how to calculate, especially considering they planned the methods for the looting they now boast about. Note that the euphemistically-named “top 1%” is not really the top 1% but a tiny group of Jewish bankers and industrialists, including the (Rothschild and other) owners of the US FED. A huge portion of this looting occurred in 2008 and subsequent years; I won’t bother accumulating this with interest.

Leger Entry: $54 trillion in today’s dollars

(11) The Great Gold Robbery – Part I – The US FED

In the early years after the creation of the Rothschild-owned FED, the US was still on a gold standard for its currency; new money could be issued by the FED only if it had at least 40% of that amount in gold. But, as the Jewish bankers have always done in every country, they issued paper currency far beyond the permitted limits, which was the prime cause of the 1929 Great Depression. By 1933, the FED had only about 6,000 metric tons of gold in its vaults, and was about 50,000 tonnes short for the paper currency it had issued. The public were aware generally of what was happening and, with concerns of US paper money becoming worthless, were spending the paper and hoarding the gold coins and bars, while small banks and companies were hoarding gold bullion. There was no way out of this trap. The FED needed a huge infusion of gold to prevent a collapse of the currency, but its owners had no intention of investing their own money to prevent the financial collapse of America. Their solution was to convince Roosevelt and Congress that the real problem was citizens preventing the economy from naturally prospering, by holding gold. On their advice, Roosevelt passed the famous 1602 provision which confiscated all the privately-held gold (in all forms) in the US, all citizens forced to turn over their gold to the FED, under penalty of a $10,000 fine plus a 10-year prison sentence. Note that the gold was not surrendered to the US Treasury Department, but to the privately-owned FED.

The gold was exchanged for paper money, meaning that the owners of the FED used the power of the US government to confiscate all the privately-held gold in the US, at only the cost of printing paper. According to available records, individual citizens surrendered nearly 3,000 metric tonnes of gold, mostly in coins. The amount of gold bars and bullion surrendered from the private sector is extremely difficult to determine accurately. All historical analyses focus on the gold coinage and ignore the bullion, yet this had to be by far the larger part since it was a standard clause in commercial contracts at the time that settlements would be made in gold and both companies and banks had to be in possession of large stocks of it. The historical studies go to great lengths to trace all the gold coinage produced, to estimate the amount remaining in circulation and thus the amount surrendered to the FED. It would seem the easier method would be to simply request of the FED the amount of coinage surrendered, but the FED apparently refuses to part with this information, and is dead silent on the matter of bars and bullion. My estimate for the bullion was around 6,000 or 7,000 tonnes as a minimum, for a total of about 10,000 tonnes, but Seagrave quotes credible sources claiming the FED purchased 18,000 tonnes so I will use that figure.

However, this was nowhere near sufficient to cover the 50,000-tonne shortfall, so the Jewish bankers – led by the Jew Morgenthau, who was then Secretary of the Treasury – devalued the US dollar by about 70% immediately after the gold had been confiscated, thus raising the gold price from $20 to $35, and substantially reducing the FED’s shortfall. But this was with the tragic result that Americans were not only cheated by the loss of their only real cash asset, but of the 70% loss in value. There were lawsuits of course, with the courts essentially determining that the government’s action was illegal and unconstitutional, but that citizens had no recourse.

In summary, to bail out the FED, Rothschild (or his colleagues) convinced Roosevelt to pass a law permitting Rothschild to confiscate all the privately-held gold in America and to devalue by 70% the paper given to Americans in return for that gold. Those 18,000 metric tonnes of gold had a value then of about $20 billion*, taken from the people in the middle of the worst recession in living memory, surely one of the cruelest and most inhumane acts possible at the time. A gold run on the Federal Reserve bank was imminent, and this entire act was simply to prevent the financial collapse of the FED – at the cost of further impoverishing the population and extending the Great Depression by years.[30][31][32][33]

* 32,150 oz. per metric tonne @ $35/oz. (roughly $1 million per tonne) times 18,000 metric tonnes. Today, that gold is worth around $1,700 per oz., or about $50 million per tonne, times 18,000 tonnes = approximately $1 trillion.

Leger Entry: $1 trillion in today’s dollars

(12) US Silver Purchase Act of 1934

They didn’t stop there. The next year, 1934, President Roosevelt implemented yet another Executive Order, number 6814, The Silver Purchase Act, that specified the seizure of all silver in the US and a huge program to purchase silver on the open market at almost three times the then market price. From any rational standpoint, this action was bizarre. The US government did indeed nationalise the US silver stocks, but by purchasing that silver from Americans at the old price of $0.45. This action vacuumed up billions of scarce government funds at the depth of the Great Depression when most Americans were struggling to survive and avoid starvation and bankruptcy.[34]

Having accomplished this, Roosevelt then even more bizarrely enforced the second part of the act which directed the Treasury to purchase silver at a price of at least US$1.29 per ounce, which was nearly three times the then market price which American citizens received. The legislation primarily authorised the Treasury to purchase silver “from foreign countries” on the open market – on the New York Futures Exchange. But this Act was totally bizarre because such purchases had never occurred, nor would they. Not even a crazy person would spend money buying something at $1.29 when that commodity was widely available on world markets everywhere at $0.45. So, what really was driving this new policy?

To this time, China had been on a silver standard for its currency for hundreds of years, the only currency in the world fully backed by precious metal, and responsible for creating a solid and stable economic base, permitting China to escape altogether the Great Depression that was ravaging the rest of the world. The American silver policy of course dealt a devastating blow to this centuries-old stability because the Americans were not purchasing silver from foreign countries on the open market, but only in China through the American banks like Citibank, Morgan and Chase because they were immune to Chinese export regulations. These US agents offered Chinese three times the market price for their silver, naturally resulting in a flood of silver flowing into these banks and from there to be shipped to the US on American military vessels. I have seen statements by historians that China had about 1 billion ounces of silver which at the time was 1/3 of the world stocks, but that is clearly untrue since Shanghai alone was losing half a billion ounces a month, and Chinese banks that normally had their currency backed 60% with silver were down to about 4%.[35][36]

A careful reader should have noticed that the most important piece of this puzzle is missing. Let’s recap: (1) The US government bought up all the gold existing in private hands in the US, then gave all that gold free as a gift to Rothschild and the other Jewish owners of the FED. (2) The US government then bought all the silver in the US and also gave that to Rothschild’s FED as a gift. (3) It then instituted a policy of the US Treasury buying all the silver in China at three times the world market price and gifting all that silver to Rothschild’s FED. The part that’s missing is the money. This was in the middle of most severe depression in living memory, people were starving, the US government had no money and the currency as well as the FED were in danger of collapsing. How could Roosevelt afford to buy up all that precious metal and gift it to a few Jewish bankers? Easy. They lent him the money by printing paper, and collecting not only the principal but the interest. Roosevelt didn’t have the money to buy Rothschild a Christmas gift, so Rothschild lent Roosevelt the money – at interest, to buy his gift. And that’s how the US went $33 billion into debt 1n 1933.[37]
It isn’t possible to accurately estimate the total value of the silver extracted from the US or China, so I make no leger entry here.

Leger Entry: $0 billion in today’s dollars

It may occur to you to wonder why the Jewish bankers at the FED didn’t also try to buy up all the gold in China. They didn’t need to, because some of their closest friends were already on this path. See Citibank, below.

(13) Citibank – The Great Gold Robbery

The Chinese have always hoarded gold, individually, as security, and they were certainly doing so in 1902 when Citibank came into China on the verge of bankruptcy and needing a clever way to rebuild its asset base. Citi found it. The bank advertised throughout the nation the insecurity of keeping gold bars in a sock under the bed, and managed to convince at least 100 million Chinese to deposit their gold in Citibank’s vaults where it would be safe. After more than 40 years of this, when war clouds were gathering, Citi loaded literally dozens of US military vessels with all that Chinese gold and closed its doors without even saying good-bye. The gold, of course, would all have been turned over to the FED in return for paper. People today are still trying to recover their gold from Citibank. Since the documentation is irrefutable, US courts have permitted lawsuits, but on the stipulation that the claimants must appear in person at the trials. No problem, but the American consulates in China refuse to issue visas for these people to travel to the US. No travel visas, no court claims against Citibank, no recovery of Chinese gold. The gold was of course turned over to the US FED in return for paper.

There is much more to this story, since Citibank pulled the same stunt in perhaps a dozen countries. If it works in one place, it should work everywhere. At the same time, in 1902, that Citi (International Banking Corporation) registered itself in China, it also opened banking operations in Manila, Calcutta, Singapore, Yokohama, Brazil, Argentina, and in other countries. In Argentina, Citibank was so hated for these gold thefts that in 1927 a group of victimised “customers” retaliated by blowing up both Citibank’s headquarters and that of the Bank of Boston, and they so hated the US government (and Americans generally) for protecting Citibank that they also bombed the US Embassy and the Ford Motor company. Ignoring the thefts from all the other countries, the amount of gold stolen by Citibank (and Chase and Morgan) from Chinese citizens alone was in the tens of billions, spanning the period from 1902 to 1949, but it is almost impossible to calculate accurately, and I will make no leger entry for this.

Leger Entry: $0 trillion in today’s dollars

(14) The Great Gold Robbery – Part 2 – The US FED

This is one of the most staggering frauds ever perpetrated in the history of the world, one that seems to have been expunged from all our history books, to the point where I doubt one person in a million has any knowledge of it. Like all good frauds, it was simple: From 1932 until the start of World War II, the US government and the Jewish media were extravagantly fear-mongering to the entire world that either Japan or Germany would be invading every nation and inevitably looting all their central and commercial banks. The solution offered was for all the banks in all the world’s nations to turn their entire gold reserves over to the US FED for safekeeping until the war was over. And they did. Every day, the New York Times faithfully recorded shipments of millions of dollars of gold from all these nations to the US. One NYT article claimed seven US naval destroyers laden with 125,000 metric tons of Chinese gold sailed to the US in 1938, one of many such. These “deposits” were evidenced by gold certificates issued by the US Treasury, although the gold actually went to the US FED.

However, there doesn’t appear to be even a single credible instance of any of this gold ever having been returned to its owners. In every case, the FED stated that the certificates proffered were either forgeries with obvious spelling and other errors, or that they simply “could not confirm the issuance of certificates” with those serial numbers, and refused to redeem them. A journalist at the Financial Times claimed:

“It has now reached a point where you can go into one of the big banks in New York, London or Zurich, give them half a metric ton of gold in return for a certificate of ownership, walk around the block for 10 minutes, re-enter the same bank, and they’ll deny ever seeing you before, and have you arrested for presenting them with a counterfeit certificate.”

But then some very strange events. A CIA aircraft was discovered crashed in the jungle of the Philippines, containing trillions of dollars of these same certificates, and clearly originals and not forgeries. Upon that discovery, with the attendant publicity and the surfacing of redemption claims for these certificates, the FED panicked, leading to something truly bizarre: the FED suddenly decided to remelt and recast its entire holding of gold for the stated purpose of “preferring to have all their gold ingots in the same shape”. No explanation was offered, but then none was really necessary. Remelting tens of thousands of tons of gold is a huge undertaking, complicated and very expensive, and would never be done for the foolish reason of changing the shape of the bars. Whatever the FED’s stated purpose, the main result was that remelted gold no longer contains its original markings, which meant there was no longer any way to identify the original source of that gold. And that meant no one could ever prove the gold held by the FED was the gold that was – in real terms – stolen – from nearly every country in the world.

One famous instance was the gold stocks from China’s central bank. When Chiang Kai-Shek lost the Chinese civil war and fled to Taiwan, his last act was to loot all the gold from the central bank of Mainland China and the commercial banks, and take the tonnes of bullion with him to Taiwan – under the protection of the Americans. To further their protection, the US convinced Chiang to let them take the gold to the US “for safekeeping” in case China attacked Taiwan and stole “his” gold. This bullion was never returned. In fact, long after her husband’s death, and until the day she died, Mme. Chiang was arguing, fighting, begging, and suing, the US government and the FED for the return of “her” gold. She failed, and the matter died. Taiwan today has no knowledge of this.

There does not appear to exist any unified record of all the gold shipments delivered to the US FED under this scheme, but it had to have been at least in the high tens if not hundreds of billions, and this occurred in the 1930s, nearly 90 years ago now. If we assume a conservative total collected worldwide of only five times that confiscated in the US alone, that gives us around 100,000 metric tonnes, at around $50 million per tonne at today’s prices, or about $5 trillion. All of this gold went into the pockets of the few Jewish bankers who own the US FED.

To be sure this is perfectly clear; Rothschild and other Jewish bankers concocted a scheme to literally steal all the gold stocks from all the central banks and commercial banks in all countries of the world. These Jews were at the time in the process of instigating a second World War, and used the fear of this to support their plan. They employed the full fear-mongering propaganda influence of the Jewish media combined with the extensive bullying power of the US White House and State Department as well as the coercive power of the US military, to coerce all the world’s central banks and every nation’s commercial banks to turn over their gold stocks to the US FED for “safe-keeping”. There was never any intention to return any of that gold after the war. It should be obvious that the US government was into this criminal atrocity right up to its neck, acting as the enforcer and bag-man for the Jews, collecting and delivering all this gold not to the US Treasury but to the FED, and thus of no benefit whatever to the United States. The US government was simply obeying its master.

Leger Entry: $5 trillion in today’s dollars

How Much Gold is There in the World?

Warren Buffett says about 175,000 tonnes, but his estimate is worthless and few people agree with him, and in fact his estimate comes from the Jewish source of Thompson Reuters[38] and should be discounted on principle. Estimates range from this level to one by the Gold Standard Institute of more than 2.5 million tonnes. Part of the problem is that gold has been mined for millennia and nobody knows how much is out there. The identical problem exists in estimates of the total gold supply in various nations at various points in history. Shills for the US FED attempt to minimise the effects of their worldwide gold theft in the 1930s by grossly understating the amount of gold bullion in the US at that time, and have done the same for most other countries. We also have the problem in reverse where, according to accounts by some Jewish so-called “historians”, the Nazis looted from the Jews alone ten times the total volume of gold existing in those countries.

An Important Aside: the US FED

In 2013, there were media reports that were quickly buried and censored in the US, though not in Europe, about Germany’s quest to repatriate its gold holdings from the US FED. The German government had been storing about half of its gold supply in the NYC FED vaults. Germany’s central bank decided to bring home all its gold, but the FED refused the request, claiming such a move would be impossible, stating it would need until 2020 to be able to accomplish the transfer. The German government then asked to visit the FED vaults to inventory the gold and determine its actual existence, but the FED refused to permit Germany to examine its own gold. The reasons given were “security” and “no room for visitors”. Upon determined insistence at this strange turn of events, Germany did finally send some staff to the FED, who were permitted only into the vault’s anteroom where they were shown 5 or 6 gold bars as “representative of their holdings”, but were permitted to view nothing else. German officials returned a second time, with even more determination, at which time the FED apparently opened only one of 9 vaults and permitted the Germans look at the stack of gold from a considerable distance, but were not permitted to either enter or touch. After repeated insistence, Germany did recover a small portion of its gold holdings, but that was shipped from France’s central bank – owned by the same Jews who own the FED.

Speculation has been brewing for many years that the FED doesn’t actually have much gold, or even any gold, that it has either sold it off, lent it out, or used it as collateral for borrowings. There are repeated claims today that the gold supposedly being stored on behalf of many nations, doesn’t actually exist. Nobody, other than FED staff, have actually been permitted inside the vaults to see or inventory any of the gold, and there is no evidence that the gold actually exists.

Even worse, the situation is the same with the supposed gold depository at Fort Knox, the storage location of what is supposed to be the entire gold holdings of the US Treasury. Most people believe Ft. Knox is a government vault but, while it is built on government land, it is managed by the FED and the entire contents are the property of the FED, not of the US Treasury. It has been true since the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913 that the contents of Fort Knox have belonged to the FED but guarded by the US military. And nobody knows what is there.

The last audit, and the last public visit, was in 1953, just after Eisenhower took office. No outside experts were allowed during that audit, and the audit team tested only about 5% of gold there. There hasn’t been even an inventory, much less a comprehensive audit of Fort Knox in 70 years. In 1974 six Congressmen, one Senator and the press were allowed to enter Fort Knox to see for themselves if the gold was there or not. The tour showed that there was something in Fort Knox that looked like gold, but it sparked even more controversies. Only a small fraction of the gold was made available for viewing, and one Congressman published a report saying the gold bars held in the fort were less heavy than expected. During recent years, several US politicians have claimed that there is a high chance that neither Fort Knox nor the FED have any gold, and have demanded a full and public inventory and testing, but the FED have resolutely refused.

Given the near certainty of the US FED and Treasury having little gold, there has been much speculation about the location of the world’s gold holdings which exist at the FED on paper but not in reality. I do not know where the gold is, but if I had to guess, I would guess it is all sitting deep in the mountains in Switzerland, in the many hundreds of tunnels drilled deep into the rock underneath the new headquarters of the BIS – the Bank for International Settlements, which is in turn also owned by the same Rothschild who owns the FED and various other European Central Banks.

(15) The Spoils of War

This is a topic that seldom if ever comes to our attention – with the notable exception of the persistent stories about Germans confiscating art and other treasures from Jews. But the historical truth is rather quite different, and with much evidence that it is Jews who have done much or even most of the looting during wartime. We have been treated to about 85 years of non-stop accusations about Germans having looted Jews during two World Wars, but there has almost never been presented any credible evidence of this, and on examination the stories of Germans looting from Jews are in the same category as the tubs full of eyeballs and the melting of Jewish fat to make glycerin for explosives. No doubt some looting takes place by all sides during all wars but, as we shall see, it is the Jews who appear to have done most of the looting, covering their crimes through their control of the mass media.

As one recent example, Iraq has been accurately described as “a cradle of civilisation”. One result is that, prior to the American invasion, Iraq was full to the brim of archaeological artifacts, art treasures, scrolls and other items accumulated over the course of centuries, many of great financial value but also of immense historical significance. All have disappeared. American troops looted most of the country, with reports that all Iraqi museums today are completely empty. Valuables and historical artifacts were stolen not only from museums and libraries, but also from private homes. Iraq was looted in totality. Published estimates claimed that at least 200,000 items of art and culture, many of which were of inestimable value to the history of the world, were stolen from Iraqi museums in Baghdad, Mosul, and other cities. The US government claims these were only a few rogue actions of which it disapproved, but the facts tell us otherwise, and indeed many of these items have appeared in other museums and private Jewish collections – in Israel, among other places. There is no way to place a value on this, but the magnitude is considerable and this is only one of many such situations.

The Soviet Union insists that the US and various Jews still hold priceless collections of stolen Soviet art, seized by the Jews when they fled Russia after their failed revolution. The US and the Jews naturally dismissed this claim, but then were caught in a lie when researchers uncovered documents proving the US had indeed kept a huge amount of art treasures – which had by then disappeared into private collections by the usual group of suspects. There were also documented reports that at the end of the Second World War, the US military emptied a train of 24 cars filled with gold, silver and various expensive German art objects estimated to be worth many billions at the time, items the Germans were trying to protect from Jewish and Allied looting. As well, an additional many billions in gold disappeared from the Reichsbank at about the same time, and have never been accounted for.

The details of European treasure thefts are murky and very complicated, with claims and counterclaims, being easy and tempting to dismiss treasure-hunting stories about Germany as exaggerated tales of war. However, for the last 70 years we have been inundated with tales of the Germans looting precious metals and invaluable works of art throughout Europe, most particularly from the Jews, but there is a whole lot more to the story than this. For one thing, after the Jews completed their Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917, they looted the entire country, beginning with all the gold in the central bank which was shipped to the US as payment to Jacob Schiff for financing the revolution. But Russia was looted of much more than gold, the relatively well-off middle class owning billions in precious metals, artifacts and invaluable works of art, as well as virtually the entire holdings of the Romanovs – the Russian Royal Family. Most of this was removed from the country, much of it to Germany and Austria, when the Bolshevik Jews fled Russia. Much of this looted treasure and gold would have almost certainly found its way entirely into the hands of the Jews in the City of London. And substantial documentation does exist to evidence claims that the US and the Jews did indeed loot Germany severely at the end of both wars. Given the facts of Operation Paperclip, this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.

But in terms of looting and destruction, there was something far worse, two of the greatest acts of cultural genocide in the history of the world were both perpetrated by the Khazar Jews, and both in China, another piece of history they have managed to completely bury. The one that concerns us here is the looting and burning of China’s Summer Palace, the Yuanmingyuan, which contained more than ten million of the finest and most valuable historical treasures and scholarly works gathered in one place from 5,000 years of Chinese history.

The Jews decided to punish China for refusing their opium, so Rothschild and Sassoon obtained Queen Victoria’s permission and a commitment for the use of her troops to loot and destroy the entire complex[39] to, in their words, “open a wound that would never heal”. The complex was so vast (eight times the size of the Vatican City) it required 7,500 soldiers nearly three weeks to loot and burn it. What could not be looted was destroyed, and the entire massive palace burned to the ground. This wanton theft and utter destruction of one of the world’s greatest collections of historical treasure was engineered by the Rothschilds and Sassoons in retaliation for Chinese resistance to their opium. Upon hearing the news, China’s emperor vomited blood and died soon after. Repeatedly, some of the most prized artifacts appear at auction today, always by Jewish sellers. You can understand why not everyone feels sympathy for the Jews if indeed the Germans did loot some of their artworks. In all likelihood, most of those had been looted by the Jews from someone else.

Since we cannot obtain the necessary detail to document the looting performed by the Jews in all their revolutions from Russia onward to Egypt, China, Iraq, Libya, nor for the looting done by the Americans in their behalf, and especially including Germany, I will make no entry for this but simply state it to register the magnitude and to emphasise that much of what has been stolen by these Jews is priceless.

Leger Entry: $0 trillion in today’s dollars

(16) Japan’s Golden Lily

However, there is another matter of looting, this one involving Japan, that is a bit more sinister and in a league of its own in terms of victors claiming spoils of war. It seems that almost everyone is aware of the looting, mostly imaginary, committed by Germany, but almost no one seems aware of the vast catalogue of almost unbelievable looting committed by the Japanese. Japan indeed looted not only the central banks but every possible source of treasure during their sweep through China and across Asia. Gold, silver, jewels, works of art, anything and everything of value was looted, including from private homes, and shipped to Japan during the early stages of the invasion. This knowledge has been totally suppressed, never having entered the mass public mind, except for brief comments made in passing.

Few today are aware of the terms of Japan’s surrender to the US at the end of World War II. It is not widely known that when the Americans drafted the documents of Japan’s surrender, they specifically prohibited war reparations claims against Japan. Article 14(b) of the treaty stated:

“The Allied Powers waive all reparations claims of the Allied Powers, other claims of the Allied Powers and their nationals (my italics) arising out of any actions taken by Japan and its nationals in the course of the prosecution of the war, and claims of the Allied Powers for direct military costs of occupation”.

Then-US Secretary of State Allen Dulles bullied and coerced the other allies and all Asian countries to sign this surrender agreement. Only China and Russia refused to be bullied into signing.

But why the prevention of reparations? The US and the Jews used war reparations to strip Germany to the bones, leaving only the skeleton of the country. Japan was far worse than Germany in every way, so why the astonishing generosity toward Japan? The Japanese heavily looted all of Asia and shipped some of that loot home to Japan but, as the spoils of war were being looted increasingly farther from home, the Japanese began assembling and storing their loot in preparation for larger shipments later. Unfortunately, as the war progressed, Japan began losing control of the shipping lanes and transfer to Japan was no longer a safe option. Operating under an incorrect assumption that the US would permit them to keep the Philippines in exchange for a cease-fire, the Japanese elected to bury most of that looted gold and other assets in the Philippines. There exists today ample documentation that Japanese officers created dozens of deep storage depots in caves or excavated underground areas, filled them with the looted treasure and destroyed the entrances with explosives. It also appears to be true that all the individuals who worked on the transport, excavation and storage of all this loot were buried inside the caverns, apparently leaving only three or perhaps four people with knowledge of either the fact of storage or the locations. This was Japan’s Golden Lily project.[40][41][42][43][44]

There has emerged substantial and irrefutable evidence that the Americans had learned of Golden Lily and had captured and tortured one of those individuals, who revealed the existence and locations of at least some of the sites. Since Japan could hardly make a claim to this loot after the war, and since the hidden billions were now essentially orphans, they were available for the Americans (and the Jews) to quietly spirit away. The problem was that this was a huge crime, even in American minds, since it was clearly a theft from friends rather than enemies, who would want their property returned. The Americans found the perfect solution – the provision for forfeiture of reparations in the treaty of Japan’s surrender would in fact mean these nations – and their nationals – renounced their claims to all treasure looted by Japan, thus serving to make the Americans’ actions “legal”, provided only that all parties signed the treaty. And all parties, save China and Russia were indeed bullied into signing.

General MacArthur, in charge of the occupation, reported finding “great hoards of gold, silver, precious stones, foreign postage stamps, engraving plates and . . . currency not legal in Japan”. There was also a US Army document containing a statement referring to “undeclared caches of these treasures [which are] known to exist”. The American occupation forces had apparently discovered at least some of Japan’s Golden Lily sites, containing billions in gold and other valuables. This much is without question, and there is documentation that MacArthur actually toured some of these opened sites and evaluated the contents.

The Japanese looted every nation to the bones and, to the maximum extent possible, every citizen, and there is no question the value had to be in the trillions of dollars. Since we don’t know the number of sites discovered nor the proportion of precious metals in each site, I will use a conservative estimate of only $500 billion recovered. And, since there is no evidence any of this loot ever entered the US, much less recorded in the US Treasury, we can safely assume it was collected on behalf of the FED. We can use one of two measures here. The gold price at the time was about $35 an ounce, with current prices (2022) around $1,700, or about 50 times, for a present value of about $25 trillion. The other method is to compound the $500 billion at 5% for 72 years from the war’s end, giving us a present value of about $15 trillion. I will use the lower figure. I must note here that the actual amount recovered is potentially many times greater than I have assumed here. Seagrave’s ‘Gold Warriors’ tells the entire story in exhaustive detail,[45]  and should be considered mandatory reading.

Leger Entry: $15 trillion in today’s dollars

(17) Treasure Island

In 1999, Edward Michaud produced an excellent historical essay titled, “Corregidor The Treasure Island of WWII”,[46][47] in which he detailed the looting of the Philippines. It wasn’t called looting at the time, but that’s what it was. When the Japanese invaded the Philippines, MacArthur was forced to evacuate and take refuge in the island of Corregidor, prior to which he did two things. He ordered all munitions and war materials destroyed so as not to leave them for the Japanese, and he collected and shipped off the entire wealth of the Philippines’ central bank and all personal wealth that could be collected from local citizens, “to be sent to the US for safe-keeping” and prevent the inevitable looting by the Japanese.

According to Michaud’s report, “The Government securities alone consisted of over 51 tons of gold bullion, 32 tons of silver bullion, 140 tons of silver pesos & centavos, and millions of paper Treasury Notes, bonds and corporate stocks. The civilian property … consisted of approximately two tons of gold bullion in various sized ingots, along with an unknown amount of precious stones and foreign currency. When orders were received to evacuate the city the many paper inventories and records were still incomplete, with many private citizens not even being given receipts for their valuables. Much of it was stored in sections of the large underground complex known as Malinta Tunnel. The remaining 51 tons of government gold bullion, consisting of 2,542 ingots of 42lbs each, (20 kilos), along with the balance of the paper currency & securities, were stowed in several of the interior laterals of the Navy Tunnel on the South side of the Malinta tunnel complex.”

Virtually all of this was loaded onto whatever vessels, large or small, were available, and the entire lot transferred to Corregidor, where it was eventually loaded onto US submarines and removed to the US. Anything not able to be shipped out in time was loaded onto surplus vessels which were towed out into deeper water and sunk, this amounting to hundreds of tonnes of precious metals, some of which may have been later recovered by the Japanese but which was also recovered by the Americans. The submarines were loaded during the night when the Japanese aircraft could not attack, submerging during the daylight hours for safety. Michaud thought this Philippine treasure was transported to the US Mint, but it almost certainly ended up at the FED since the mint was almost a non-entity producing only cheap metal coins. He ended his essay by stating, “At the end of the war this securities shipment, “or at least its monetary equivalent”, was subsequently transferred back to the Philippine Government”, but the claim is nonsense. I have seen no evidence to support it, and no one is in a position to make such a claim since no accurate inventory was done in the panic to evacuate before the Japanese arrived, and nobody actually knows what was taken. In any case, from the few facts available, I have seen nothing to support statements that this wealth was ever returned to the Philippines. This was by no means the only, or the last, such event during the Second World War.

In this calculation, I have made no allowance for the “hundreds of tonnes” of gold and silver not loaded into the submarines at the first effort, and have ignored the value of all treasure other than the 53 tonnes of gold and 175 tonnes of silver bullion. Again, a relatively paltry amount in relation to the other crimes.

Leger Entry: $3.3 billion in today’s dollars

(18) Seizure of German Industrial Assets

It appears to be not at all known, totally expunged from the world’s history, that the US government and military have acted as hired thieves for the Khazar Jewish mafia in the City of London for at least the past 85 years, and are still doing so today. I am able to present here only a very brief summary of many very long criminal stories, those with sufficient documentation to survive in a court of law.

This topic is much too large to cover here. I have detailed the seizures of WWI and WWII at length in an E-book which is heavily annotated with references that I have not supplied here.[48]

I urge you to read Chapter Five to appreciate the magnitude of what was done. All German industrial – and even personal – assets worldwide, were seized by the US military, primarily on behalf of these Jewish bankers although the US itself and its domestic corporations also benefited handsomely. Again, the totals would have been well into the trillions of dollars – in 1915 and 1945, not accounting for more than 100 years and 75 years of profit accumulation, but the landscape is so vast it isn’t possible to even attempt a credible estimate, and thus no leger entry for this item.

(a) World War I Seizures

It doesn’t appear widely-known, but these same Jewish bankers, again using the US as their “enforcer” literally plundered all German industrial assets – worldwide – after both World Wars. The extent of this was unimaginable. As one example, the entire Bayer company was sold – to a Jewish agent – for the sum of $5 million, in an “auction” conducted on the front steps of the Bayer head office. Bayer was at the time one of the largest companies in the world, producing not only chemicals but a vast assortment of medications including Aspirin which was at the time the world’s most popular drug and most valuable patent. The Jewish lawyer Seymour J. Rubin wrote that it was “clear and compelling that for reasons of justice” a victor or a conqueror should confiscate all the property and assets of the vanquished.

And confiscate, they did. They seized not only all German corporate assets worldwide, but virtually all personal assets, with listings like “three horses”, “some cedar logs”, “a few carpets”, and of course bank accounts, precious metals, artworks. It was all illegal of course, but the US passed a law permitting themselves to do it. There was a special law that “anyone of German descent” who had been imprisoned for any reason was classified as an enemy alien and subject to a total property seizure, and so they tossed nearly every German into jail on any trumped-up charge, often for only two or three days, just long enough to classify them and seize their assets. This was one of the main purposes of the war; to strip an entire race of people of all their assets, patents and property, to put down a nation that was becoming too powerful and too disobedient to the Jews.

There is no way to credibly estimate the total value of all the WWI seizures. The personal property seized in the USA alone would accumulate to about $60 billion in today’s dollars, but this was only personal property in only one country, and by far the smallest part of the seizures. The total value of Germany’s worldwide corporate assets seized would today almost certainly amount to many trillions, but the detail isn’t available to calculate, so no leger entry.

Leger Entry: $0 trillion in today’s dollars

(b) Operation Paperclip – WWII

This was without a doubt the second-most massive and far-reaching theft ever perpetrated in the history of the world, exceeded only by the Jews’ looting of India a century prior. As with WWI, all of Germany’s worldwide assets were again confiscated, but this time with years of planning that began even before the war.[49]
 The Jews who controlled the US government at the time, had arranged for thousands of teams with tens of thousands of individuals often only meters behind the troops entering Germany at the end of the war, and they took literally everything. They came in waves, and what one wave didn’t take, the next one did. They emptied every corporate library, every research installation, every patent office, every factory, and simply seized everything. Even the Library of Congress had its own Foreign Mission which was to locate and confiscate all books and journals published in Germany that might possibly be of interest to any part of corporate or scientific America.

In one case the German Patent Office put some of its most secret patents down a sixteen-hundred-foot mine shaft, but the Americans found it and confiscated the entire contents as US “war reparations”. The value of the more than 800,000 German patents seized was estimated at more than $30 billion, which would be well over $1 trillion in today’s dollars. As I mentioned above, American-registered firms profited handsomely from this, but many of those “American-registered” firms were owned or controlled by Jews, and the European Jewish bankers and industrialists took ownership of everything including chemical firms like I. G. Farben, auto firms like Volkswagen, major aircraft companies like Dornier and Messerschmitt, pharmaceutical firms like Hoescht. And this brief listing doesn’t include the personal seizures of art, gold and silver, precious stones and other valuables. Once again, an entire nation of people was stripped to the very bones, but this time much more viciously than in WWI and, in this case, between 12 million and 15 million Germans were killed by various means before, during, and long after, the looting. Dead Germans tell no tales of their victimisation, but live Jews have been telling stories for 75 years about how they were looted by the Germans. The truth is rather different.

The looting of Germany after WWII was so vast and so extensive, that this one category cannot be permitted to remain without a leger entry. I am therefore making an entry of $10 trillion in today’s dollars, a figure I believe is easily defensible and excessively conservative.

Leger Entry: $10 trillion in today’s dollars

(19) Hijacking Countries with Oil Production

It doesn’t seem widely understood or appreciated that Iraq and Libya were literally hijacked by the European Jews using the US military as the enforcer. Both countries have been taken over, with puppet governments installed, with new Jewish privately-owned central banks and, at least in the case of Iraq, virtually all the commercial enterprises featuring “new owners”. In the case of Iraq, the Jewish bankers allocated to themselves 65% of Iraq’s oil – at no charge, leaving Iraq with the revenue from only 35% of its own oil production. Moreover, much of the oil exported from Iraq is not metered, so nobody actually knows how much of Iraq’s oil is literally stolen by this method. It is only the metered amount that is shared 65/35. In the case of Libya, all of the oil is confiscated by these same Jewish bankers, again with the US military having a permanent enforcement presence. I have covered this is detail in an earlier article which I urge you to read.[50]
 With Syria, they weren’t able to hijack the entire country due to Russia’s presence, but the US military did succeed in taking full control of Syria’s oil fields on behalf of these same bankers. Syria today, like Libya, receives no revenue from the sale of its own oil.

More than this, the Jewish mafia from the City of London has installed its own privately-owned central banks in Iraq and Libya and, by this means, will loot these two countries to the extent of trillions more. Also in Iraq, much or even most of all profitable commercial activity has been taken over by these same people. There is no data source to estimate the extent of looting from these secondary sources.

It is of immense importance to note that the hijacking of Iraq and Libya and of Syria’s oil fields were done entirely by the US military acting as The Banker’s Private Army.[51]
 The US government absorbed the entire cost of the wars – with trillions of dollars borrowed at interest from these same Jews, took all the battlefield casualties, and has since acted as the full-time military enforcer of the Jews’ “proprietorship” of these nations – at no benefit whatever to the United States. All of the money and political advantage have gone to the Khazar Jews in the City of London. The US government is simply doing its master’s bidding.

Average oil prices are notoriously difficult to calculate but, for the recent periods involved here, I have taken an inflation-adjusted average of $80 per barrel. Iraq’s production was historically around 3.0 million barrels per day, now up to 3.5 million, so around $300 million per day, $200 million of which is taken by the Jewish bankers in the City of London. Around $1.5 trillion so far. Libya’s production dropped to zero after the invasion but has since averaged about 1.5 million barrels per day, or about $450 billion to date. Syria has been producing 500,000 barrels per day, of which the Jewish bankers take all. Around $150 billion so far. Adding these three, gives us about $2 trillion so far, or about $3 trillion if we account for compound interest at 5%.

Leger Entry: $3 trillion in today’s dollars

(20) Privatisation, Part 1

There are some who believe that turning over government services or assets to private enterprise is a wise move because, as we are told, governments are bloated and inefficient, and private companies can almost inevitably be far more efficient. In real life, I have not been able to uncover even one instance where this mythical theory has proven true. Instead, private enterprise inevitably follows the same path – that of maximising profit by raising prices and cutting services. Even worse, it seems impossible to locate an example of privatisation that wasn’t clouded with corruption and payoffs on the part of legislatures and government officials. Examples are not difficult to find.

In the UK, our Jewish banker friends arranged the privatisation of British Rail, after which point they bled it dry and ran it into the ground so that the UK government had to take it back and rebuild it. After they had reconstructed the rail system and had it operating steadily and profitably, our Jewish bankers got another kick at the can and had it privatised again. The cost to the British public was in the high billions.

Still with the UK, these same bankers arranged (or bribed) for the privatisation of the Royal Mail. However, immediately prior to negotiating the selling price, the unions at the Royal Mail became suddenly embittered at their management and proposed a long-term all-out strike, thus kicking the foundations out from under the selling price and making the Royal Mail nearly worthless in view of the serious labor strife ahead. But then, magically, as the sale took place at a much-reduced price, the unions were suddenly quite happy again and no strike ever took place. More disheartening was that somehow, inexplicably, the selling price seemed to have included only the value of the mail delivery service and omitted entirely the billions of dollars of prime property owned by the Royal Mail in downtown London. An “inexplicable oversight” but, in a democracy, nobody is to blame.[52]

In Canada, in the province of Ontario, government officials sold off in a 99-year lease, the busiest highway in North America, for $2 billion. A few years later, the new owners sold off 10% of their investment to some friends for $10 billion, meaning that the government of Ontario sold off a $100-billion asset for $2 billion. Even worse, the new owners raised tolls so high that all motorists attempt to use other highways, creating such congestion that the province has no choice but to build new highways. Unfortunately, they are unable to do that since the terms of their initial sale prohibit the government from constructing new highways to “compete” with the old one, unless the new ones are also turned over to the “new owners”.

In the US, the prison system was costing $20 billion per year. After privatising only a portion of it, the same system is now costing American taxpayers more than $80 billion per year, with some of the prisons so inhuman in their conditions that courts are ordering them closed. And it isn’t only the prison system but the parole system and much more, all bleeding the nation. In all Western countries, these same Jewish bankers and their friends push incessantly for the privatisation of nearly anything where money could be made. They normally fire the majority of the staff to reduce costs, and also avoid all maintenance that isn’t critical. The theory, under these long-term “leases” is to cannibalise the asset itself so that at the end of the lease period when the asset is returned, its value is precisely zero. That is the theory of profit maximisation under privatisation.

In all Western countries, everything from airports to prisons to education to communications, transportation, and every manner of government services is slowly being “privatised”, producing literally trillions in profits for the new leaseholders, and slowly bankrupting the nations. This is such an enormous program involving so many countries, so many kinds of infrastructure, and so many types of government services, that any sensible estimate of the looting is impossible. I will therefore make no entry for it, but will state emphatically that the looting here – the transfer of sovereign assets into the hands of a few bankers – is in the tens of trillions of dollars.[53][54]

Leger Entry: $0 trillion in today’s dollars

(20) Privatisation, Part 2

More than this, there are at least hundreds, and more likely thousands, of undercurrents in this business of privatisation which is more often than not conducted as outright theft. It should be emphatically noted that the 50+ nations where the US overthrew a legitimate government and installed a compliant dictator, would have very quickly undergone the same “privatisation” process, with the US military and State Department specifying to the new dictator the portions of his country’s infrastructure to be seized. None of this would have been paid for, and these occasions have occurred in many other nations. As one example, it was initially reported in the NYT, then quickly suppressed everywhere that, after the destruction of Yugoslavia, George Soros and Madeleine Albright were given “ownership” of the entire communications infrastructure of Kosovo – stated as having a value of $800 million. It is likely that all of the former Yugoslavia suffered the same fate, but the news blanket is total and no information is permitted to leak. All of Iraq and Libya have suffered this same consequence, and so many other nations are in the same position. Without a world map of this so-called “privatisation”, we can never know the true total but it must be immense.[55]

Leger Entry: $0 trillion in today’s dollars

(21) The World Bank and the IMF. Infrastructure and Debt

This category is a bit easier than the one above. Typically, our Jewish bankers fund government loans privately or through the IMF or World Bank, and do so when US$ interest rates are at a low. They then push increasing debt on a country until it is past any sane level, then have the US FED raise interest rates and effectively place these nations into bankruptcy. Since the countries haven’t the cash to repay their loans, our Jewish bankers take infrastructure in lieu of payment. They will also take arable land, which is what has recently happened to Ukraine although the (Jewish-owned) media seem to have no knowledge of this. There was a recent media report that Rothschild had to form a new bank just to hold all the arable land that had been confiscated by these methods. The Khazar Jews are also after the water, the president of Nestle publicly claiming that “drinking water is not a right. It is a commodity and should be priced and sold like any other commodity”. A few years back, Jenna Bush, GW’s daughter, took over for a paltry sum the ownership of the largest water aquifer in South America – on behalf of her Jewish friends. There are countries where more than 70% of all infrastructure, including railways, airlines and airports, shipping ports, banking, arable land – and water – and much more are owned by these same Jewish bankers in the City of London.

A good current example is Greece.[56] The situation was so pitiful, and the bankers’ greed so powerful, that Greece was forced to place the country’s entire stock of infrastructure – everything – into a “privately-owned” Luxembourg trust that was “entirely outside the power or influence” of the Greek government. The value was about $3 trillion, and it is gone at whatever price the bankers choose to pay for its parts – if anything at all. I include only Greece in this account entry, and ignore the many dozens of other nations who were placed in this position as long ago as 100 years. The totals are most assuredly in the high tens of trillions, but we haven’t the detail on which to base an estimate.[57] [58] [59]

Leger Entry: $3 trillion in today’s dollars

(22) War Financing

It is no longer much of a secret that these same Jewish bankers have typically financed both sides of most, if not all, wars in recent history. The general consensus is that the war in Iraq cost the US around $2 trillion,[60] and Forbes claims the cost in Libya at $2 billion per day,[61] all of which was borrowed from the FED. We cannot know how much money has been borrowed from the Jewish bankers in the City of London to finance all the military conflicts in recent history, and thus we cannot put a price on the interest paid, but it is of utmost importance to realise that these totals are not small. As one indication of the real cost, the British Empire was at one time the ruler of the world, an empire on which the sun never set, and “Britannia ruled the waves” for a very long time. But the Jews pushed England into two wars nobody wanted and, at the end, Britain was bankrupt and begging the US for loans to stave off “a financial Dunkirk”. England borrowed all the money to finance its part in WWI, and lost 40% of its empire to repay those loans. WWII cost Britain the remainder of its empire and left the nation in actual bankruptcy. WWI cost Britain about $7 trillion in today’s dollars, and WWII was much worse. Again, we cannot know precisely how much money was borrowed from the Jewish bankers, nor the amount of interest paid, but the magnitude of both would have been considerable since the estimated cost to all countries was nearly $50 trillion in today’s dollars.[62][63][64][65]

We know that when the Civil War was unleashed on the US, the London Rothschilds were backing the Union and the French Rothschilds were backing the South. Everyone made a fortune and by 1861 the US was $100 million in debt. But we haven’t information about the total of interest paid. We know that Rothschild (through Jacob Schiff) lent Japan $200 million in 1905 to finance their war with Russia. That would be about $60 billion in today’s dollars, and another set of Jewish bankers financed Russia to the same extent, both sides selling weaponry from Rothschild’s armament factories in Germany. In this case, we know the amounts borrowed but no information on the interest repayment amounts nor on the revenue and profit from selling the weapons of war. There simply isn’t sufficient public detail to determine the increases in wealth by these bankers from instigating and financing all those wars. The totals must be well into the trillions, but we haven’t a sound basis for estimation, so no leger entry.

As WWII approached, these same bankers not only pushed the US into the war but lent the Americans the money to pay for it. By the end of WWII, the US went from $33 billion to $285 billion in debt, all to help out our Jewish banker friends to launch and fight a war that no one but them wanted. It’s even worse than you imagine. These bankers needed other countries in the war, but didn’t want to lend them the money because their economies weren’t considered sufficiently risk-free, and this applied to England itself. The solution was to lend the money to the US, then push the Americans to make all those war loans, to keep the Jews happy not only by keeping all countries in the war, but by having the US effectively guarantee all their debt. Hence, the $285 billion debt which, for your comparison, would be about $12 trillion in today’s dollars. The debt has never been paid off; there are insufficient records available to document the total interest paid to the Jewish bankers in war financing, neither for the US nor for all the world’s nations, so this item receives no leger entry. In terms of magnitude, however, the amount again is most assuredly well into the tens of trillions in today’s dollars.

Leger Entry: $0 trillion in today’s dollars

(12) My Currency, But Your Problem

After the end of the Second War, the world’s major nations arranged what we call the “Gold Standard”, which meant that a country could not print more money than it actually had in gold reserves. This was intended to maintain stability and to avoid any excess printing of money which would lead to inflation and could destroy the international monetary system – as the Jews had done repeatedly in the past. In theory, all international debts were to be settled in gold, but in practice this was cumbersome and inconvenient. Since the US dollar existed in large volume and was – in theory – fully guaranteed to be exchangeable for gold at any time, all nations simply settled their accounts in US dollars. But the faith in doing so was predicated on the promise that any nation could, at any time, exchange its holdings of US dollars for real gold.

The system worked well enough for about 20 years, until by early 1971 the US was under enormous financial pressure from the huge sums it had borrowed to finance its military atrocity in Vietnam. The final straw came when France, not blind to what was happening and concerned about the ability of the US to maintain the dollar’s value, insisted on exchanging all its dollar holdings for gold, as per the agreement. The US gold supply was insufficient to comply, and the FED faced the very real possibility of all nations demanding an exchange. Faced with this pressure, the Jewish bankers unilaterally declared the world’s financial agreement null and void, forced the US withdrawal from its participation in the gold standard, and the FED refused to convert any nation’s foreign dollar holdings into gold. This left all the world’s countries holding countless trillions of US dollars that no longer had any fixed or guaranteed value, but that were sure to depreciate since the US was indeed printing enormous volumes of dollars to finance its Vietnam war. At the time, US Treasury Secretary John Connally told the world, “It’s our currency but it’s your problem”.

Since all nations had accumulated US dollars on good faith but now had no way to dispose of them, they had no choice but to continue using the same US dollar, now of indeterminate value, for all international transactions. This one act of Jewish predatory capitalism imposed a stunning financial penalty upon the world, devastating the values of other nations’ currency reserves. After reneging on the Gold Standard (the Bretton Woods Agreement), the FED continued to print huge volumes of money, sending the Western world into an intense inflationary spiral. From the date of the US default in 1971 to 1981 or 1982, the US dollar depreciated by more than 95%, representing an almost unimaginably huge transfer of wealth from the entire world to the Jews in the FED because all nations holding US dollars suffered that degree of loss in their foreign exchange reserves while US debts remained in heavily-depreciated US dollars, thereby repaying foreign debt at 5¢ on the dollar. In 1971, a fine home in the US cost only $25,000. By 1976, that same home was over $100,000, and by 1983 the price was about $250,000. These prices accurately represent the depreciation of the US dollar during that decade.

The benefit to our favorite Jewish bankers? Well, the gold price in 1971 when they killed the Gold Standard, was about $40 per ounce. Today, that gold is worth $1,700 per ounce. On the other hand, the paper currency that all other governments had to then accept in lieu of their gold, has depreciated by about 95% since that time. There is no accurate way to assess this. The accumulated financial damage to the national economies of the world is at least in the hundreds of trillions of dollars, if not in the thousands of trillions. The damage is so vast, so wide-ranging, and so all-inclusive, that it is impossible to even contemplate a measurement.

But let’s not lose the main point. It wasn’t the “US government” or the “US Treasury” that made this decision. Rather, it was made for them by Rothschild and the other Jewish owners of the FED and the City of London to maintain their gold holdings and protect their value. It was simply another bail-out for the Jewish bankers, in this case to the great cost of the entire world. If only we could place a number on the cost. But we cannot.

Leger Entry: $0 trillion in today’s dollars


“The World’s Richest Man” Conspiracy

As can be deduced from the above, the real wealth in the world has never come from corporate ownership, but from financing wars, from owning the central banks of nations, and from theft and criminal activity on a vast international scale. The large amount of Jewish corporate ownership today is not the beginning of the accumulation of wealth but merely the last step in the process. As is true with all organised crime, the trillions of dollars involved in corporate ownership noted at the beginning are merely from the reinvestment of criminal profits into legitimate enterprises.

It should be obvious from the above that people like Gates, Buffett and Bezos are not contenders for the title of the World’s Richest Man. Elon Musk with his supposed $200 billion barely qualifies as pocket change, with people like George Soros and his paltry billions not even qualifying as pocket lint. The media have lied to us for decades and sent us looking in all the wrong places. Jewish publications today have many articles on “The world’s richest Jews”[66] or “The most influential Jews”,[67] but these are all nonsense, listing individuals like Zuckerberg or Soros, or Sheldon Adelson at the peak. None of this is accidental; it is merely a way to distract attention from the real sources of money and power, and perhaps not surprising that every newspaper and magazine touching on this topic will follow the same pattern. What is surprising is that people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett participate in this charade when they must so clearly know the truth of their own positions. None of these men can be so naive or ignorant, which definitely implies a conspiracy of silence.

As an aside, most every man who builds something of substance has an almost genetic urge to pass it on to his offspring, to perhaps create even a small family dynasty that could continue in time. But has anyone noticed that it is only people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet who have no such urge and are determined to just give it all away at the end? Why are there no Rothschilds on this list, no Sassoons, no Kadoories, no Goldman Saches? Is this terminal philanthropy a defect only of the goyim? We can reasonably assume this tendency results from pressure, and my suspicion is that this pressure would result from obligations due to financing. That means Gates and Buffett didn’t create their empires entirely on their own; my guess is they were provided with ideas, planning, much financing, and much bullying Jewish diplomacy to have accomplished what they did. The price to be paid is that you don’t take it with you when you go. One thing Jews don’t finance, is competition for themselves.

The foundation and building of large corporate fortunes is not normally a quick process. There are always exceptions of course, but generally things take time. The conventional wisdom, which has proven true time and again, is that “it takes the first generation to make it, and the second generation to make it really big.” The Jews, functioning as an organic unit, can short-circuit this process. Consider Indigo Books & Music, begun by the Jewess Heather Reisman only about 25 years ago, it resulted in the financial bankruptcy of Canada’s largest independent bookseller and the takeover or elimination of all other competitors who suddenly encountered “financial difficulties”. Today, Indigo is Canada’s only major English-language bookstore chain and the country’s largest book, gift, and specialty toy retailer with annual revenue of more than $1 billion. Jews control the book publishing industry and can ensure your bookstore has no stock if you refuse to sell out. They collectively control much of the financing and distribution and can force takeovers or bankruptcies. There is no defense against a determined Jewish onslaught. These people operate as gangsters and have unlimited financing available to take over an industry sector almost at will.

The important point is that the planning for these sector take-overs seldom originates with the public face of the operation. Instead, these are often connected parts of a worldwide long-term plan for control of these sectors. I covered some of this in a prior article titled ‘Today’s Jewish Corporate Heroes – Virgin Births All’,[68]  dealing with Google, Facebook and a few others. It is apparent that neither Zuckerberg nor the Google Twins were capable of creating almost instantly a world leader in their respective sectors. To accomplish such a result requires unlimited financing and the application of enormous amounts of financial and political pressure, plus determined planning and intense media support. This applies equally to others like Wikipedia, Amazon, Starbucks, and many others who seemed to come from almost nowhere to being world leaders in a very short time. The process has been the same in all cases, and it certainly applies today to the current “Richest Man in the World”, Elon Musk.

All you have to do is think. Using Elon Musk as an example, the man appeared to come from literally nowhere and yet suddenly “owns” the world’s largest auto manufacturer. Musk at the same time began an aggressive program of launching tens of thousands of communications satellites, and then SpaceX, “Elon Musk’s private spaceflight company”, the maker of the Starship, planning International Space Station missions, no less. Then we have Musk buying Twitter for $44 billion.

In the last 100 years, anyone attempting to create a new auto company and brand has met with disaster, but Musk apparently experienced not a hiccup with the Tesla that is suddenly a world favorite. This would have required perhaps ten years of planning and design, the planning of factories and production, the creation of supply lines, the testing and certification, and so much more, but with Tesla this apparently all occurred overnight in a vacuum. Are we to believe Elon Musk designed the Tesla? There is no evidence Musk has the ability to design even a dipstick, much less an entire car, so how did all this occur and what was the source of the background billions required to bring this project to fruition? Musk played no part in the creation of the Tesla. He just somehow showed up at the end, “owning” the company.

Similarly, the aggressive program of communication satellites that “Elon Musk” has launched; this as well would require many years of planning and design, to say nothing of arranging the launch facilities and obtaining the necessary thousands of paying customers. This again would require years and billions of dollars in financing but, like Bezos’ space flight program, this one suddenly appeared in full bloom, operating, launched, and ready to go. Who did the planning for this? It certainly wasn’t Musk, so who was behind it? And the money for all this came from where? “Musk’s” Tesla has never made a profit, so where would he obtain the billions for a pie-in-the-sky system of tens of thousands of communications satellites? Nothing like this can happen without a decade or more of intensive planning and an enormous investment, and obviously none of that came from Musk.

These would be enough challenge for any man, but then we had “Elon Musk” buying Twitter for $44 billion. How would that happen? We are told that Musk suddenly has wealth of – vaguely – $200 billion, with no detail, but presumably from stock holdings in “his” Tesla. But are we to assume that Musk has an extra $44 billion in loose cash sitting in the bank to purchase Twitter? That’s not possible, and Musk isn’t selling half his interest in Tesla shares to finance it, so what is the source of the money? The media confuse this by providing only a few sound bytes but no detail, and thus we have thoughts loosely in our minds that Musk is very wealthy and could somehow afford to purchase Twitter, but all we need to do is think to realise that is impossible.

The picture is clouded because the political ambitions of the Khazar Jews cannot be separated from their financial intentions. “Musk’s” satellite system is eventually to consist of 35,000 communication satellites – military, not civilian – some of which are already being used in Ukraine. The Khazar Jews in the City of London are desperate for World War III, but they have no military of their own and must depend on the US (as the Bankers’ Private Army) maintaining military supremacy. If it hasn’t already occurred to you, the reason for this development was that the Chinese proved they can shoot down US surveillance and communication satellites, thus presenting an existential threat to US warmongering with China and Russia. The solution is clever, and also obvious: you cannot shoot down 35,000 tiny communications satellites, thus maintaining US battlefield communication supremacy. The financing is interesting because normally the Jews push the US to make all these military investments, but the US no longer has the money for all these efforts and thus they had no choice but to finance this themselves – and channel it through Musk to disguise the origin. There is no other source for the financing of such a massive project. It is obvious the financing didn’t come from “Elon Musk”, since “his” Tesla still cannot turn a profit, so where would he obtain the money for satellite development? The Jewish bankers in the City of London are the only source.

This is the same as “Mark Zuckerberg” a few years ago buying and forming companies to manufacture military drones and high-altitude balloons, the latter because dear Mark wanted everyone in the world to have Internet access. Not quite. The high-altitude balloons were not for Internet access but for military communications with the drones that “Facebook” was manufacturing, drones carrying warheads that could communicate by means of the balloons if China destroyed all the US military communications satellites. So far as I could tell, nobody wondered why “Facebook” was manufacturing military drones and their communications systems. Again, not possible to push this cost onto the US military so the Jews in the City of London ran it through Facebook to disguise it as a civilian venture and hide the true source – and intention – from scrutiny.

Back to Tesla. lf you take the time to read Musk’s high-school level treatise on hyperloop transportation[69]  or listen to his media blurbs, it’s obvious the man hasn’t the intelligence to have attained his position independently. It’s not apparent, at least not to me, that he knows anything about anything, and I would say the same for Zuckerberg and the Google twins. These people are merely fronts for someone who really does have all the money. And the plans. But we are supposed to believe that Elon “focus-on-my-cute-8-year-old-smile-and-my-adorable-3-year-old-sideways-looking-eyes-so-you-don’t-realise-how-stupid-I-am” Musk, is suddenly The Richest Man in The World from designing cars and satellites and space ships and heaven only knows what all. What rubbish.

That latter point deserves attention. Do you see Warren Buffett posing with a stupid smile and adorable sideways-looking eyes to seduce all the mothers into encouraging their daughters to buy his company shares? What kind of a man, apparently the CEO of trillion-dollar international companies, behaves in such a foolish fashion? A mental dwarf with serious emotional problems, no one else.

Similar arguments are true for Zuckerberg, Bezos, the Google Twins and others. None have the knowledge or ability, nor the enormous financing to do the things they are supposedly doing. Neither their fortunes nor their abilities can possibly be real. It is easier to accept a Bill Gates, starting with a small Microsoft and building over 40 years into a $50 billion prize, but to pretend that an Elon Musk who, out of the clear blue sky, goes from sleeping in his car and eating leaves from trees, suddenly is designing and producing electric autos and military communications satellites and space vehicles and so much more, is too ridiculous a prospect to bother refuting.

Some claim that Elon Musk is not a Jew. Elon (אֵילוֹן), or Alon (אַלוֹן) is a Hebrew masculine name that would not occur on a list of Gentile names. Musk attended Jewish schools in South Africa. His mother, Maye Haldeman, is Jewish but listed as “Canadian”, which is hardly an ethnic group. There are Jewish family and other relations (Elon’s brother married Jen Lewin), and more. Musk’s connections with Israel and powerful Jews have a long history, Tesla’s closet relationship with Israeli tech spanning many years and its self-driving technology is 100% Jewish, originating from the Israeli company Mobileye. Musk has close and high-level contacts in Israel, having met with Netanyahu (at his private residence) on more than one occasion.

In was in the news very recently that Evelyn de Rothschild died at an old age.[70]  The NYT wrote a thoroughly fictional obituary notable primarily for the astonishing lies, as the NYT does for every Jewish criminal who departs this world. You might care to read the NYT’s loving treatise on Madeline Albright to refresh your memory of the criminal insanity of the NYT’s editors. According to them, this Rothschild “Initially showing little promise, he eventually joined the family firm and rose to chairman, wielding vast influence in Britain’s financial and political affairs.” That part is certainly true. The man had banks, investment banks, investment subsidiaries and much more in about 30 countries, and there was no question of his “vast influence in Britain’s financial and political affairs”, since he was the primary man involved in Margaret Thatcher’s selling off all the UK assets to Jewish bankers. But then the NYT told us that Evelyn de Rothschild was worth maybe a paltry $2 billion.

So, Evelyn de Rothschild, the scion and proprietor of the greatest criminal banking dynasty in the history of the world, one with assets harvested from hundreds of years of looting and plundering, a man owning literally hundreds of banks and financial companies all over the world was so dull, so slow and dim-witted, that even a little shit like Zuckerberg could come from nowhere and in only a few years be worth ten times as much. As Buddy Holly was so fond of telling us, “That’ll be the day.”

So, who really are the richest men in the world? Well, who has been financing both sides of every war for the past 300 years? Starbucks? Who has been looting South Africa of all its gold and diamonds for the past 150 years? The President of Victoria’s Secret Underpants? Is it Mark Zuckerberg stealing trillions of Iraq oil every year? I have no doubt that Jeff Bezos is a criminal, but it wasn’t Bezos who engineered the theft of all the gold from all the world’s banks in the 1930s. Who owns as many as 75 or 80 of the central banks of the world’s nations? Some goyim from Kansas?

I am told there are 13 families in control of the entire worldwide clan, operating from the City of London. The leaders in this list are unquestionably Rothschilds, probably beginning with Jacob Rothschild, “The King of the Jews”, followed by his kin. The list would most likely include a Sassoon, a Warburg, a Goldman, a Moses Seif, Kuhn, Loeb, Salomon, a Sebag-Montefiori, with this group sharing total assets in the hundreds of trillions of dollars. We can only guess about the others, but we can be very certain that neither Bill Gates nor Warren Buffett have ever been on this list, and Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos can be dismissed with deserved contempt.

The purpose of this essay was threefold: (1) to bring to the attention of readers the existence of a long-standing conspiracy about the identification of “The Richest Man in the World”, (2) to dismiss from contention the current list of candidates, and (3) to document that a small number of Jewish banking families operating out of the City of London have for generations held these wealth records with fortunes that are orders of magnitude above anything we might have imagined. I trust this has been accomplished to the satisfaction of readers.

Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).


[1] Visualizing the 200-Year History of U.S. Interest Rates

[2] 800 years of interest rates. Did high interest rates set off the Wars of the Roses or even Game of Thrones?

[3] Who owns the world? Tracing half the corporate giants’ shares to 30 owners

[4] Who owns the world

[5] Who owns the world’s largest corporations?

[6] Ancient Jewish History: Banking & Bankers

[7] The History of Jewish Banking

[8] Jews and Finance

[9] The History of the House of Rothschild

[10] SASSOON: By: Joseph Jacobs, Goodman Lipkind, J. Hyams

[11] Precursor To The Global Crime Syndicate: The 19th-Century Opium Trade

[12] Currency Wars, Song Hongbing



[15] Gold Prices by the Decade

[16] The Panama Canal And The Intriguing Way It Was Financed

[17] Governments did not always have to pay interest when borrowing from Bank of Canada

[18] Canada’s federal debt

[19] Usury in Canada: 1.1 trillion in interest paid on 600 billion of debt

[20] Canada needlessly pays $1 trillion in interest

[21] Annual interest on Canada’s government debt translates into $7,000 for a family of four

[22] Hon. Paul Hellyer Video – Public Banking In America (Click on ‘Skip Ads’)

[23] Italy’s Debt Clock: Realtime Demo Showing The Size Of Italy’s Public Debt

[24] Let’s Have a Financial Crisis: First, We Need a Central Bank

[25] Let’s Have a Financial Crisis: First, We Need a Central Bank

[26] Hershey Jr., Robert D. (21 June 1981). “How the Oil Glut Is Changing Business”. The New York Times. Retrieved 30 December 2015.]

[27] Destroyers of US Democracy

[28] Trends in Income From 1975 to 2018

[29] The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%

[30] How much Gold was Confiscated in 1933? | Gold Confiscation History, Executive Order 6102

[31] FDR’s 1933 Gold Confiscation was a Bailout of the Federal Reserve Bank

[32] Gold Reserve Act of 1934

[33] Banking Act of 1935

[34] US Silver Purchase Act of 1934

[35] The Effect Of The Silver Purchase Act of 1934 on United States, China, Mexico and India.

[36] Milton Friedman and Anna J. Schwartz. A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-193660 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1963), p. 485.

[37] Timeline of U.S. Federal Debt

[38] How much gold is there in the world?

[39] China Remembers a Vast Crime – The New York Times


[41] Japan’s Golden Lily Project

[42] Japan’s Golden Lily Project

[43] Japan’s Golden Lily Project

[44] Chalmers Johnson Review of Seagrave’s ‘Gold Warriors’,


[46] Edward Michaud “Corregidor The Treasure Island of WWII”,

[47] Edward Michaud Corregidor

[48] Nations Built on Lies – Volume 1 – How the US Became Rich

[49] The Greatest Intellectual Property Theft in History: Operation Paperclip

[50] Humanity at the Crossroads — Connecting the Dots to Our Brave New World

[51] The Bankers’ Private Army

[52] Private Enterprise and the National Good

[53] A Further Look at Privatisation

[54] World Map of Privatisation

[55] World Map of Privatisation

[56] Humanity at the Crossroads — Connecting the Dots to Our Brave New World

[57] LIBOR – current LIBOR interest rates

[58] ANALYSIS: Are IMF, World Bank to blame for Africa’s foreign debt burden?

[59] Horrifying loan interest in the IMF and World Bank

[60] The Iraq War has cost the US nearly $2 trillion

[61] The Real Cost Of U.S. In Libya? Two Billion Dollars Per Day.

[62] Financing a Foreign War: Jacob H. Schiff and Japan, 1904-05

[63] War Finance (Great Britain and Ireland)

[64] Finance and the Thirty Years War

[65] list of wars

[66] The world’s 50 Richest Jews: 1-10

[67] World’s 50 most influential Jews. The Jerusalem Post’s first annual list of those who are shaping the future.

[68] Today’s Jewish Corporate Heroes – Virgin Births All

[69] Hyperloop Alpha

[70] Evelyn de Rothschild, Scion of Banking Dynasty, Dies at 91


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